Chapter 115

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Nini POV

Ricky rolls over on the bed and smiles at me. I look up from my textbook and laugh, running my fingertips through his hair. "Whatcha thinking about?" I ask and he smiles. "How I'm going to fail my chemistry final because of how beautiful my girlfriend is." I blush and push his shoulder. "Nuh uh Bowen, if you fail the test that's on you." He laughs brightly and shakes his head, burrowing into the space between my leg and the bed. "No, I distinctly remember you kissing me and distracting me like an hour ago." My mouth drops open and he doesn't even have to look at me to know my facial expression isn't a thrilled one. His deep laugh sends butterflies through my body and I shiver as I feel his fingers rubbing my leg gently. "Alright, I'm gonna run to the bathroom and then do some serious studying." Ricky announces and I laugh as he gets up. "Serious studying? As in-" He cuts me off with a kiss to my lips. "As in kissing my beautiful girlfriend. I mean she's already distracting me, why shouldn't I make the most of it by studying every little nook and curve of her beautiful body?" He says softly, his whisper raising goosebumps on my skin and his light fingertips sending warmth through me. I smile and look down at the bed, then back up to meet his eyes. His hand finds my cheek and he holds my face gently. "You're okay right?" He asks carefully and quietly, as if my breakdown just a little while ago was a secret between us. "I'm just fine baby." I say back and I smile, further proving my stability. He laughs, pressing our foreheads together and then gets up from the bed, making his way to the bathroom.

As Ricky's in the bathroom, I look up at the ceiling lost in thought. I'm taken right back out of that thought though by a large black spider just chilling between the base boards and the ceiling. My eyes widen and jump off my bed and into my little swing, watching the spider carefully as I get situated. I do not mess with large black spiders, especially when they're directly above a place they could get lost in for months. (Once at summer camp a spider fell into my bed and I didn't find it until I packed up my sleeping bag in the morning. Needless to say, PTSD!) When Ricky comes back into the room, he looks confused when he doesn't see me on the bed. He smiles though when he notices me curled up in my swing and he takes a few strides over to me. "How about we study in here for a little bit? Change of surrounding?" I ask and he raises his eyebrows, a smirk on his face. "Nins, I fucking love being that close to you, but you're seriously gonna pretend that we can both fit in that with our books and not take the whole ceiling down in the process?" I laugh and snuggle deeper into my pillow. "Mhm" I conclude and he laughs, walking over and gripping the sides of the swing with both of his hands, while leaning close to me. "That situation would be dangerous for a number of reasons." He tells me, leaning forward to catch my lips. I feel myself blushing, knowing the reasons he's entailing and I kiss him just a little harder in response. When he pulls back he stands up straight as if I'm gonna get up from the swing. "No I'm good" I say and he eyes me weirdly. "Babe" he laughs and I bite back my smile. "You go ahead over there if you want." I say, pointing to my bed. He looks like he's holding back a laugh, but he shrugs and sits on the bed, laying back and looking up at the ceiling. "It's too bad Nins, it's really comfortable over he- oh." He says and I assume he's taken notice of the spider. I laugh and he gets up. "That's why you're in your swing?" He laughs in disbelief and I playfully glare at him. "It's huge! And it could end up on me so ew." I say and he throws his head back in laughter. "My god Nins, you're really something." He says and I smile as he moves to grab a magazine and a cup. As he stands up on my bed, he reaches forward carefully. "Be careful Ricky! Oh my god he's on the move, be careful. Wait maybe it's a she, maybe she has babies. Be careful." I say and Ricky turns slowly, looking at me in amusement. "I've got it babe." He says and I make a face of disgust as he swats the spider into the cup. "Ew ew ew" I exclaim and he starts laughing. "It's fine I got it-" he starts to say, trying to show me that it's no longer on my ceiling, instead, in the cup. "Please get it out of here!" I exclaim and he smirks. "I love that I've found out this new fear of yours." He says and I glare at him again as he smiles at the cup. "You know I feel like we should name this dude. Maybe little-" I huff and get up, pushing at his shoulder. "Get it out!" I say and he pretends to fall forward from my little push. "Woahh" he says dramatically, pretending to tilt the cup over. I gasp and he laughs, trying to get close to me but I just point to the door. "I'm kidding I'm kidding it's leaving babe. Say goodbye to Arnald." He says with a smile. I bite back my own smile as he leaves my bedroom and I walk over to check my phone. I see a message on it from Kourtney saying "hey babe, had to do something drastic but trust me it's not that bad. thank you in advance." I smile and sigh at the same time, typing out my answer and asking what the hell she got us into this time.

Hey guys, just a quick little thing! I promise I read all of your comments and I appreciate them so much! I just haven't had time to respond to all of them, but I don't want ya'll to think I'm just not reading them. ♥️ I appreciate every one of you so much. You guys are amazing.

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