Chapter 152

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Nini POV

Everyone wakes up the next day exceptionally early. Like, 5 am type of early. "I swear if you guys want to go to bed early tonight because we got up at an INHUMANE HOUR then screw ya'll." Kourtney announces when she makes her entrance into the living room, rubbing her eyes and stretching out her arms. "Why are we up so early?" Seb asks as he curls up on the couch and into Carlos. EJ grins at the group and claps his hands. "Can't waste time sleeping, we've only got like 12 more days here." Ricky groans into my lap, his body completely stretched out on the floor and his head in my lap as he keeps his eyes closed. I massage his scalp, pushing my fingertips through his hair repeatedly. "No honestly, I agree with EJ. We don't have forever." I say sheepishly and he throws his hands up proudly. "See! Now Carlos, what is there to do around here?" Carlos grins and rubs his eyes. "At this hour? Nothing. Nothing opens until midmorning around here, it's a lazy town. But there's a cute downtown area that opens later. We could go there." Gina nods excitedly. "That sounds like so much fun!" Big Red looks skeptical. "Shopping? I don't know..." Carlos rolls his eyes and smiles. "There's a skate shop." Red pretends to think about it for a second before getting excited and even I notice Ricky's eyes popping open with excitement and alertness. "In the meantime we could hang in the hot tub." Ricky suggests, sitting up and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "But will all of us fit in one hot tub?" Ashlyn asks and I laugh, scanning the room. "It'd be a little cozy, but we can just split in two groups since there are two hot tubs." EJ claps his hands. "Perfect, meet you guys in a minute no more than a minute." He says before running out of the room and up the stairs. Gina watches him leave, her face lit up with amusement and happiness. "Someone needs to get me a damn tranquilizer gun for that man." Ashlyn grumbles and we all laugh, getting up slowly and making our way up to our rooms to get into bathing suits.

"Do you need a coffee or anything?" Ricky asks me gently when we've reached our room and I laugh, shaking my head. "Nah they're the best form of stimulation for the nervous system." Ricky laughs and wraps his arms around me in a hug before letting go to get his swimsuit. "Be right back, I'm gonna go change." Ricky catches my arm and gives me a look. "Why don't you just change in here?" I give him a look. "Oh you'll go to the bathroom?" Ricky shakes his head with a grin on his face. "If I didn't know you any better, I'd say this whole innocent act is actually a part of you." I blush and shake his hand off. "Oh shut up." I smile and he pushes himself closer to me, catching my lips with his gently before pulling away. "Go get dressed gorgeous, I'll see you in a few." I blush and look at the ground. "Your names for me are broadening." He grins and wiggles his eyebrows. "Yeah that's right, your boy's a senior so-" I roll my eyes and laugh, pushing at his chest. "I thought it was because we've known each other so long we need new names for each other, but never mind you're a loser." His eyes sparkle as he raises an eyebrow. "Well I mean, I could've meant that too."

For the next hour, Ricky, Gina, EJ, Kourtney and I share a hot tub together, laughing and pretending like it wasn't 6 in the morning. "I'm not really tired anymore, what do ya know." Kourtney says and EJ shrugs, a grin forming on his face. "It's the hot water." Kourtney raises her eyebrows. "Oh really? I thought it was some radioactive spider that-" Ricky splashes her and laughs. "Kourt, you might not be tired but that's sure one hell of an attitude." Kourtney rolls her eyes but she's smiling as she leans against the back of the hot tub. "You know, Seb's family recorded our entire production of Beauty and the Beast and he brought the tape. We're gonna watch it on the tv while we're here." Gina announces and my jaw drops. "Ohmygod no. Tell me you're kidding." She shakes her head and I bite my lip in excitement. "I'm probably gonna hate every second of watching it but I can't wait." I say and Ricky buries his face in my shoulder. "Good lord, I can't watch that! Are you kidding? I can barely be in it!" EJ laughs and nods in agreement but gives us a look. "It's fine, tonight's skinny dipping anyway. You've got at least a day before you're subject to embarrassment." Kourtney, Gina and I splash EJ at once in annoyance. "Uh huh because stripping in front of everyone is so not embarrassing." EJ grins proudly and nods. "Exactly Kourt." I laugh and roll my eyes. "I wonder if the group downstairs is as excited for tonight's excursion."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? OF COURSE WE'RE EXCITED!" Carlos exclaims as we walk down the streets of the small town of Frisco Colorado. Gina had brought up the question after Kourtney had bought a bathing suit (insisting she wasn't stripping tonight no matter what) and EJ pumps his fists up in the air. "HELL YES!" Big Red elbows EJ in the stomach. "People are looking you idiot." EJ just grins in excitement and Ricky wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me just a little closer. "I for one, couldn't be more excited." I blush when I feel his lips on the base of my ear and I sigh in content when I feel him breathing close to my skin. "Guys I know we've been out here for an hour, but I feel like we should split up and then meet in a little bit since we all have different agendas." Ashlyn says and we all nod in agreement. "Want to go to the skate shop?" I ask Ricky gently and he grins and shakes his head. "Nah let's do something you want to do." I laugh and press a slow kiss to his cheek. "Then I want to start with the skate shop." Ricky just shakes his head and grins. "God Nins, I love you."

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