Chapter 166

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Ricky POV

I toss and turn most of the night, too busy thinking about what my mom could want, and why she'd come back on her past wedding anniversary. My heart pounds as I think about the possibility of her getting back together with my dad... maybe thinking that she made a mistake with Todd. I shake my head against the pillow though, I know that I'm getting ahead of myself. Tears burn my eyes as I push my nose into Nini's hair as she clings to my body in her sleep, and I'm just grateful she can't hear my heart rate as she sleeps. I know it's loud as fuck. A few more tears slip out and I breathe in deeply to try and stop myself from them coming too heavily. I rub my eyes before I crane my neck to look at the clock. It was 2 am and the ache in my heart made me pretty positive that there wasn't a way I'd get any sleep so I slip myself from underneath Nini as carefully and quietly as I could. I pull a sheet over her and I tiptoe out of the bedroom, not bothering to grab a shirt or my phone.

I walk through the dark house quietly, leading myself to the back porch. I slide open the screen door and step out into the cold night air, the sound of crickets and the soft rustling of trees greeting me. The cool air feels less stuffy, and I lean over the wooden porch banister, staring into the darkness. As my thoughts run through my head, I feel myself tear up for the second time that night and I wipe at my eyes furiously. Why was my family so screwed up that I had to cry every damn time my mom contacted me? And why did the situation always have to seem ten times more complicated than it should? I feel the tears slipping faster and I shift my balance, focusing on taking deep breaths. This wasn't fair, but at this point I accepted that my life would probably never be fair, at least when it came to the parents that I had. I jump when I feel arms wrap around me, pressing against the front of my chest, and interrupting my thoughts but I immediately recognize the small body pressing against my back. "Hey you." Nini whispers and I sigh, standing up straight, no longer leaning on the banister. I move my hands to hold hers where they were pressed against my chest and I squeeze them lightly. "I hope I didn't wake you." I say, more to the darkness than to her and she rests her head against the area between my shoulder blades. "That's not something you have to worry about." She whispers and I nod, deciding that it didn't feel like she wanted me to talk. She just wanted me to be, and I relax into her. I feel her kiss a few areas up and down my spine before she rests her head back where it was. "I wish I could sleep." I admit and our environment is so quiet that I keep talking. "I wish I'd be able to sleep because tonight we're going to fireworks and I don't want to be tired or emotional or whatever. I just wish my night could've ended with me holding you." Nini continues to kiss my skin before letting go of my hands and running them across my chest lightly. "It still could. I'm right here, and we're not going home until Saturday. That's three full days to keep from thinking about this." She says, her voice peaceful and piercing through my sadness. I turn around in her arms and I look down at her soft expression as she scans my eyes. "I... I mean you're right." I say and she laughs gently. "Only if you want me to be. You can keep thinking if you want." I shake my head and wrap her in my arms. "No, I rather not. I just want to hold you." I say to her. She nods against my chest and I feel her inhale. "Your skin is cold." She observes gently and I nod. "It's a little chilly, but it doesn't make my head hurt like it does in there." She nods and I feel her lips against my chin before she presses her cheek back against me. "I brought a blanket when I saw you left, why don't we sit out here for a little?" Nini asks, pulling back and pointing to the cushioned outside-couch and the blanket she had swung over it when she walked out to greet me. "Really? You'd sit out here with me?" Nini nods and lifts our hands so that she can intertwine our fingers. "Absolutely babe." She tugs on my arm a little, letting me sit down first on the cold cushion before I pull her on top of me. She folds her legs underneath her and I swing the large fluffy blanket over us. She snuggles into my effortlessly and I sigh, feeling like I get the best of both worlds. "I love you Nini, thank you." I whisper to her and she only hums gently, rubbing my chest. I feel her breathing slow but I promise myself I won't let us fall asleep out here. I didn't want her waking up with hypothermia or with tension in her body but as I look up at the sky, I feel Nini grow slightly heavier which means she's relaxing, enough to stay put for hours. I kiss her forehead and close my eyes in content, feeling the cold air blowing through my hair. Needless to say, we fall asleep together.


Alright guys, I'm gonna have to ask ya'll to bare with me over the next couple of days, my schedule is BOOKED and I don't know if I'll be able to post every morning through Wednesday. My updating might not be the most consistent, but I'll do my best. 🥰

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