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I was looking at the big grey walls and I was eating breakfast. Gally walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. "Probably going to have another arrival today" He told me.

I looked at him and gave him a light smile. "Yeah" I said. "Hope they are cute so I can get you a boyfriend" he said. "Not happening Gally" I said. He chuckled and walked away.

I finished eating and walked out and started working on the garden. I was pulling the dead flowers off of the dirt and I was so close to finishing it when all of a sudden. I heard the box make a noise. We all ran over and the walls opened. I was confused on who it was. I couldn't exactly see who it was.

Gally and I opened the gates and I jumped in. I was shocked on what this boy looked like. I looked at them. "What do you see?" Gally asked. "It's a wolf" I said. "What? How is that possible?" Winston asked. "I don't know. Gally come down here. We need to get him in the cabin" I said.

He jumped down and picked him up. We climbed out of the box and went to the cabin. Gally put him on the bed and I put the blanket over him. "Why is a wolf here?" Gally asked. "I don't know" I said. I knelt down next to the boy and started rubbing his head.

"I'm gonna go and finish the garden" he said. "Ok I'll stay here" I told him. "Ok" he walked out of the cabin and closed the door. I sat on the floor and continued rubbing his head. Then his ear twitched.

(A/n: when I say ear. It's his wolf ear ok)

He moved his hands up to his face. I moved my hand away. I got up and ran out. I saw Gally working on the garden. I ran over and tapped his shoulder.

He looked at me and smiled a little. "He's awake" I said. "What?" He asked standing up. "Come on" I said. We ran into the cabin and saw him laying on the bed still. I walked over and knelt down next to him. Gally walked over and sat next to me.

The boy turned around so his back was to us. "Hey. It's ok. Can we talk?" I asked. "Who are you?" He asked. I got up and walked to the other side. His eyes were still closed. "Hey. Can you please look at me?" I asked sitting next to him. Gally walked over and looked at him. "No. Go away" he said. "I'll go get Alby" he said and ran out of the cabin. "Can you please open your eyes?" I asked.

The boy opened his eyes. They were light blue. "Hey" I said. He sat up and looked around. "Where am I? Who are you?" He asked. "My names Newt. You're in the Glade" I said. "What? What's a glade?" "You'll see" I said. I got up and crossed my arms over my chest. Alby and Gally walked in.

"Leave me alone" he said getting up. "Calm down Greenie" Alby said. "Greenie? Can't you call me by my name?" He asked. "Well then tell us" Gally said. "I-I... I can't" I said. "I can't remember anything" he said. "It's normal. We've all been through this. We'll get your name back in a couple days" I said.

"Just come with us" Gally said. "No" he said. "Come on Greenie" Alby said. The boy ran out of the cabin and we ran after him. He stopped and looked around. I caught up to him and stood next to him. "What is this place?" He asked.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "This is the Glade" Alby said walking over. "Come on. Let me show you around" Alby said. They walked away.

'Damn it he's cute'

"Like him?" Gally asked. "Yeah" I said. He laughed a little and we continued our jobs.

I saw the boy coming over with Chuck. I continued kicking the little stump in the ground. "And this is Newt. He's the gardener" Chuck said. "Hey Chuck" I said. I smiled a little at Greenie. "Well. That's it for the tour" Chuck said and walked away.

Greenie was staring at me. I grabbed my little sword and started cutting the ground under the tree stump. The tree stump came off and I picked it up but it was too heavy. Greenie came over and picked it up. "Wow" I said.

He smiled a little. "Follow me" I said. We went into the forest and I told him to throw it at a rock pile. He threw it and we went back. "So what can I do?" He asked. "Well if you want. You can go get some more dirt from the woods" I said. "Mk" I gave him a little basket and a little shovel.

He walked into the woods and I continued cutting the tall grass.

*time skip*

I was almost done with it when I saw Greenie coming over with the basket. He put it down and sat on the grass. "Tired?" I asked. "A little" he said. I grabbed the basket and put the dirt in the garden.

*time skip*

We were celebrating for Greenie. Me and Greenie were sitting by a log and we were staring at the maze. "So Greenie" I said. "Yeah?" He asked looking at me. "How does it feel to be a wolf?" He asked. "Eh I don't know" he said.

"Well. If you want.... I can tell you about the runners" I said. "Yeah sure" he said. "See those guys over there" I said pointing to the runners. "Yeah" he said looking at them. "They are the only people who know the most about the maze. Everyday when those doors open. They run through the maze. Trying to find a way out" I said.

"How long have they been looking for?" He asked. "3 years" I said. "3 ye- they haven't found a thing?" "It's big. Not the easiest to get through. They have to avoid a thing called a Griever. And they have to get back before those doors close or else they are trapped in there for the night. And nobody survives a night in the maze" I said.

"Grievers? Have you seen one?" He asked. "Yes. When I was a runner" I said. "What do you mean?" He asked moving a little. "I was a runner. I ran through that maze for a year. Until I hurt my leg. I stopped because I knew that I wasn't meant to be a runner" I said sitting back.

"Hey Greenie. Come on. Fight me" Gally said. "Don't listen to him" I said. Greenie turned around and looked at the maze. "Oh come on Greenie. Don't be a woose" Gally said. Greenie got up and walked to him. "Alright" he said and went into the circle.

Gally explained the rules and I walked over. Gally pushed Greenie and I was surprised to see Greenie fighting back. Gally pushed Greenie to the ground. He got up and looked around.

"I remember my name" he said. "My names Corbyn" he said. "CORBYN!" Alby yelled and we all walked to him. I smiled at him. We were cheering when we heard the Griever make a noise. "What the hell was that?" Corbyn asked. "That my friend. Is a Griever" Gally said.

"Alright guys. Let's get some rest" Alby said. I walked to my hammock and laid down. I saw Corbyn walk past me and lay in the hammock next to me. He turned so he was facing me. He closed his eyes and I did the same. I soon fell asleep.

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