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*few months later*


Kyle's at Daniel and Thomas's place. We were at our place and we were downstairs.

*time skip*

I was upstairs, waiting for Corbyn. He came in and I stood up. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Um..... I think I'm ready" he said. His eyes widened.

"To get pregnant?" I shook my head yes. He shut the door and walked to me. "Are you sure about this?" He asked. I shook my head yes.

He lifted my head and pecked my lips. "Are you absolutely sure? I dont want you to do something that you dont want to do" "I'm sure" I said.

He sighed and looked into my eyes. He kissed me and I kissed back. We laid on the bed.

*time skip*

I woke up to see that it was night time. I checked the time. 9:30. 'Shit' I got up and saw that I was.... naked.

I put a hand over my mouth and got up. I grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom. I put my clothes on and walked out and saw Corbyn sleeping.

I walked over and kissed his temple. I walked downstairs and put my shoes on. I grabbed my keys and wallet and went to the car. I drove to Daniel and Thomas's place.

I knocked on the door. The door opened and I saw Daniel. "Hey. Here to get Kyle?" He asked. I shook my head yes.

"Come in" I walked in and he went upstairs. I sat on the couch and waited for him to come downstairs. He came downstairs with Kyle. Kyle was asleep.

He gave him to me and I smiled. "Thank you" I said. He smiled and waved. I waved and walked to the car. I put Kyle in the carseat and put his seatbelt on. I got in the car and put mine on. I drove home.

*time skip*

I got home and I grabbed Kyle. I went inside and locked the door. I went upstairs and put Kyle in his bed. I turned the lights off and closed the door.

I walked into our room and saw Corbyn still sleeping. 'Did we seriously do it again?' I thought. I ignored it and got ready.

I laid down next to him and he cuddled up to me. And that wasnt really a good thing for me.

*time skip*

I haven't fallen asleep yet. It was almost morning and I wasnt tired. I sighed and then it turned morning.

I felt Corbyn move. I looked at him and he wasnt awake yet. He looked adorable sleeping.

*time skip*

It's been about an hour or 2 since Corbyn moved. It's now 8.

I felt Corbyns arm move around me more and he moved closer to me. My eyes widened.

I squeezed my eyes shut to try and ignore the feeling. But I couldnt. "Morning" he said. My eyes opened. "Morning" I said. "Why do you sound nervous?" He asked.

"I'm not" I turned around and he cuddled up to me more. 'Damn it!' I thought. "C-corbyn"

"Yeah?" "Can you move back a bit?" "Why?" "Well we did something last night and um... let's say that you didnt put something on" I said.

He looked at me confused. "Your boxers arent on dummy" I said. His eyes widened and he sat up. "I'm so sorry" he said. "Its fine" I said laying on my back.

"We forgot Kyle" "nope. I woke up at 9:30 at night and went to Daniel's and got him" I said. He sighed in relief.

I turned so he could get up.

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