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*few days later*


I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Newt. "Morning Corbyn. Let's get to work" he said. I sighed and got up and we went to the garden.

We were working when I saw Gally coming over. 'Oh god. This isn't going to be good' I thought. Gally hasn't been the nicest to me these past few days. "Hey Newt. Morning Greenie" Gally said. My wolf teeth came out and I saw my wolf claws. I hid my hands in my pockets of my hoodie.

"Awww. Is someone upset?" Gally said. "Shut up Gally" Newt said. My claws went away and my wolf teeth disappeared. I got up and looked at Gally. "Why?" "Because he just got here a few days ago and you're already being mean to him" Newt said.

I sat on the grass and started pulling the dead flowers out of the garden. "Fine then. Next week. I'm gonna make fun of you" Gally said. My tail went around my waist and my ears went down.

"Aww is someone gonna cry?" Gally said. My tail went back and my ears went up. My claws and wolf teeth came out. My eyes turned yellow and I got up. I growled at Gally. "Alright. Calm down" Newt said running over. He grabbed my arm and I tried to run to Gally. I roared at him and pushed Newt off of me.

I ran after Gally and grabbed his shirt. We fell to the ground. "Hey!" I heard Alby say. I got up and looked at them. "Holy sh-" Winston said but was cut off by Alby. "Grab him!" He yelled.

Gally and Winston came over and grabbed my arms. I roared at them and tried to bite Gally. They dragged me to the pits. They threw me in and locked the door. I ran over and grabbed the wooden bars. They both walked away.

My claws and wolf teeth went away. My eyes turned normal. My ears went down and my tail went around my waist. I saw Newt coming over. I let go of the bars and sat down near the back walls. He knelt down in front of the door.

"Awww Corby. Don't be sad" He said. I looked down and felt tears in my eyes. "Corbyn. Look at me" He said. I looked up at him. "Come here" he said. I got up and walked over.

He stuck his hand through a hole and started petting me. My ears went up and my tail moved back. He smiled while petting me.


'He's so cute'

He started scratching his chin. I think he's enjoying it. "Hey!" Gally said walking over. I moved my hand away and Corbyns ears went down and his tail went around his waist. "I'm sorry" I whispered to Corbyn.

I ran away and looked back. Gally was talking to Corbyn and Corbyn looked sad. I ran to a tree stump that was close to them but they couldn't see me and I could hear what he was saying.

"Why did you come here?" Gally asked. "I didn't have a choice" Corbyn said. His voice sounded soft so I knew he was trying to hold tears back.

"Well nobody wants you here" Gally said. He walked away and I ran over once Gally was out of sight. "Hey" I said. He looked at me and I saw tears rolling down his cheeks. I started petting him again.

*time skip*

It was late at night. "Well. I think I should go" I said. "Ok" he said. Me and Corbyn have been talking for a couple hours and I haven't seen Gally anywhere which kind of made me nervous.

"Night Corbyn" I said. He gave me a light smile and sat down. I ran to the hammocks and laid down. It sucked to not see Corbyn in the hammock next to me. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now