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*few weeks later*


Tomorrow we are leaving to go home and I'm excited. Newt is excited to go home and I dont blame him. Being stuck in the Glade for over 3 years is boring and you just want to go home.

I had my arms around his waist while he was on my lap. We were sitting on the bed and my back was to the wall.

Newt put his arms around my neck and kissed my temple. He started playing with my hair.

My tail went around my waist and touched his leg a little. I kissed his cheek. "I'm excited for tomorrow" he said. "Me too" I said. I pecked his lips.

"I can't wait to have a home with you. Spend the rest of my life with you. Get married. Have kids. And stuff like that" I said. He smiled and we kissed.

We walked out and ate some dinner. We started celebrating on going home. We were drinking some of Gallys recipe. It tasted gross but I've gotten used to it.

I had my hand on Newts knee. I finished my drink and put it down. "Corbyn" Frypan said. I looked at him. "Open your mouth and tilt your head up a little" he said. I titled my head to the side confused on what he was going to do.

"Its a thing where I throw a piece of food and you have to catch it" he said. "Ohhhhhhhhh" I said. They all laughed. I opened my mouth and tilted my head back a little.

Frypan threw a piece of bacon and it landed in my mouth. I put my hands in the air. I put them down. "Newt" Frypan said. "No. I cant" he said. "Come on babe. It's fun" I said. He rolled his eyes.

He opened his mouth and tilted his head up a little. Frypan threw a piece of bacon and it went into his mouth. He looked at everyone surprised. I laughed as we were all clapping. I kissed his temple. "See I told you it was fun" I said.

He shrugged his shoulders and kissed my cheek. "So you guys have a new song?" Gally asked. I shook my head yes. "Can we hear it?" He asked taking a sip of the drink he made.

"Sure" Daniel said and we went to the cabin. We walked out. "We actually made 3" I said. "3!" They yelled. I fell backwards and tripped over the log and landed on the ground. "I feel attacked" I said sitting up.

They all laughed. We sat down. I sat next to Newt. Daniel sat next to Newt. Zach and Jack sat next to each other and Jonah sat next to Tate.

"Can we hear all 3?" Newt asked. "Sure" I said. "What are they called?" Jorge asked.

"8 letters. Hard and Friends" I said. "Oh cool" Gally said. We started 8 letters.

"You know me the best. You know my worst, see me hurt, but you dont judge. That, right there, is the scariest feeling. Opening and closing up again. I've been hurt so I don't trust. Now here we are, staring at the ceiling"

"I've said those words before but it was a lie. And you deserve to hear them a thousand times"

"If all it is it eight letters. Why is it so hard to say? If all it is it eight letters. Why am I in my own way? Why do I pull you close and then ask you for space?"

"If all it is it eight letters. Why is it so hard to say"


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