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*few weeks later*


I was in the cabin, laying down. It was late at night and Newt was doing some uh.... business. I was waiting for him to get back. He walked in and laid down next to me.

He smiled at me and he backed up and hit the wall. I got closer to him. I smiled at how cute he looked.

We were so close to each other. Our bodies were touching and our lips were inches apart. I closed the space between our lips and the kiss lasted 3 or 4 seconds. We pulled away slowly and I smiled at him. "Ok um" he said looking at our bodies that were touching.

"What?" I asked. "Um can you move back a little?" He asked. "Sure" I said and moved back a little. I kissed him and he kissed back. "I love you" I said and pecked his lips. "Night babe" I said. "Night" he responded and cuddled up to me more. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*next day*

I woke up to the sound of yelling and screaming outside. I got up and saw that Newt was gone. I got ready and ran out and saw my friends as wolves running after the people.

I growled. Newt was trying to get away from Daniel. "Daniel!" Thomas yelled. They started attacking people. I have to do this. I roared and they went to the ground. I stopped and looked at everyone.

They were shocked. My ears and tail went down. Newt started limping to me. I ran over and held him close. I fell with him on top of me. "Babe?" I asked. "Jack. H-he bit me. Twice" he said. I growled at Jack. He went back down. "Thomas. Get Jonah and Daniel. Frypan. Get Zach and Jack and bring them to the cabin. Vince bring them clothes" I said. They did what I said.

They put them in a cabin. I picked Newt up. "Hey Sonya! Can you bring a washcloth and a bandage!?" I yelled. "On it!" She yelled and ran away. I walked into a cabin and put Newt on the bed. Sonya came in with a washcloth and bandages. I grabbed them and put them on the bed.

He lifted his pants to show his ankle. It had a bite on it. "Shh" I said. "It hurts" he said. "I know" I rubbed his head. "Just dont think about it" I said. "Ok" I cleaned the blood up and put a bandage over it. "Where else?" I asked.

He turned to his side and lifted his shirt. "Holy shit that's bad" I said. I grabbed the washcloth and cleaned the blood up. I put the bandage over it. He pulled his shirt back down. "Now. Get some rest" I said. I kissed his head. I walked away and closed the door. I saw the boys and they looked upset.

"Woods. Now" I said. They walked away. I followed them. Thomas ran to me and pulled me up. "Dont hurt them" he said. "Its the only way. They have to learn" I said. "Please. Just don't hurt Daniel. He didnt mean it. He was hidden in a corner scared to come out" "really? Then why was he standing in front of Newt and was about to attack him" I said. I pushed him lightly and went into the woods.

I saw them sitting on the rocks. I stood in front of them. "What the hell was that about?" I asked. They whimpered. "I thought we agreed to not hurt anyone" I said. "We're sorry. We werent thinking" Zach said.

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" I yelled. "You guys hurt them. And I promised them that we wouldnt be hurt again" I said. "And Daniel. You almost hurt Newt" I said.

"I'm sorry. I-I didnt know what I was doing" he said not even looking at me. I kind of felt bad for Daniel. Me and him are really close friends. He was the first one I met when we were wolves. He taught me how to control myself.

"Jack. You actually bit him. If you were an alpha. Then he would've turned" I said. "I'm sorry. I-I dont know why I did that" he said.

"I guess theres only one way to teach you guys a lesson" I said. They looked at me scared and whined. "No. Please. Dont Corbyn" they said standing up. "I'm sorry" I said. Zach fell to the ground. The 3 other boys ran away. I growled at Zach and he went down. He whimpered. I growled a little louder and he whined.

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