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I ran to the truck and hid behind it. Newt probably doesnt want to see me anymore. I'm a monster.

Then I felt a hand on my arm. I looked and saw Newt. "Come on" he said. I crawled over to a different truck and Vince was there shooting at WICKED.

Newt was shooting at some of them and then I saw a bomb. I felt tears roll down my cheeks when it went off. It was just shocks. I fell to the ground and they took us and put us in rows.

I saw Newt, Frypan, Vince, Minho, Aris and the two girls were in the row next to me. I was in the front. They scanned us. "A11" The man said when he finished scanning me.

"Wheres Thomas?" Janson asked. I growled at the sound of his voice. "Right here" Thomas said. They took him and threw him next to me.

"Why didnt you run?" I asked. "I'm tired of running" he said.

Then I saw someone I wish I would've never seen again. Ava Paige. "Is this all of them?" She asked. "Most of them" Janson said.

"It'll be enough" he said. "Start loading them in" she said and walked over. "Ok you heard. Let's go get them on!" Janson yelled. The men started taking people into the planes.

She saw me and Thomas. "Hello Thomas" she said. She grabbed my ear and started petting it. I growled at her.

"Corbyn. You and me had a good relationship. What happened to that?" She asked. "Oh yeah? That friendship we had? It disappeared once you threw me into that box!" I yelled.

"Corbyn" she said. "I dont want to hear it. First you make me work for you and then you send me away to die" I said. "That friendship. Doesnt sound so good" I said.

"And I'm actually happy now that you sent me in there" I said. "Oh yeah. And why's that?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Because. I met some amazing people. Unlike you. And I met the love of my life" I said looking at Newt. He gave me a light smile. "You-" she was cut off by the men picking us up. "Bitch" I said while walking past her. But she stopped me from going into the plane and stood in front of us. The men walked away.

Newt, Minho, Frypan and Aris walked over. "I'm glad you're safe" she said looking at Teresa as she walked over.

"What the hell? Teresa?" Frypan asked. "Wait what's going on?" Newt asked. "Shes-" "with them" I said cutting Thomas off.

"Since when?" Minho asked. "Oh Teresa's always evolved an appreciation of the greater good. Once we restored her memories. In only a matter of time" Janson said.

"I'm sorry" Teresa said. I growled at her. "I had no choice. This is the only way" she said. "You did have a choice. You had a choice to live a happy life with us! Or spend the rest of your life in that place! And you took advantage of your choices and decided to betray us and work with them!" "We have to find a cure Corbyn!" Teresa yelled.

"Shes right. This is all just a means to an end. You used to understand that Thomas and Corbyn. No matter what you think of me. I am not a monster. I am a doctor. I swore in oath to find a cure. No matter the cost" she said. "You're right. You're not a monster" I said. "Thank you-" "your a bitch. Same for you Teresa" I said.

"You're a selfish one. I'm starting to think. When we first met when I walked in there. Did you even want to know me. Did you want to become friends? Was this all just a lie about our relationship. Cause it sure feels that way" I said.

"Corby-" "no. I dont want to hear your voice" I said cutting Teresa off. Newt grabbed my hand. "Guys. Please. I just need more time" Ava said.

"More blood" Mary said. "Hello Mary. I'd hope we meet again. I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances" she said. "I'm sorry about a lot of things too. But not this. At least my conscious is clear" "so is mine" Ava said. Then a gun shot went off and hit Mary.

Janson shot her. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled. "First you attack us! And then you kill someone!" Thomas yelled. "Come on Janson. Load them up" Ava said.

A man grabbed me and another one grabbed Newt. "Corbyn. Please. I dont want to go back!" Newt yelled. "Let me go!" I yelled.

"Let's go" Ava said. "Load these people. Get rid of them. Let's go. Let's go!" We started walking and then Thomas elbowed a man in the head and pulled a bomb out of his jacket. I grabbed Newt and held him close.

"Get back!" Thomas yelled. "Everyone stand back!" Thomas yelled. "Stay back. Let them go. Let them all go!" Thomas yelled.

"You know I cant do that" Ava said. "Thomas please stop. I made a deal with them. They promised. They promised we'd be safe. All of us" Teresa said.

"We're supposed to trust you now?!" I yelled. "Its true. It was her only condition" Ava said. "Shut up!" Thomas yelled. "Everything could go back to the way it was. Thomas.... do you really want all of them to die?" Ava asked.

Newt started crying in my chest. "Listen to her Thomas. Think about what you are doing" Janson said. We walked to Thomas.

"We're with Thomas" Newt said. "Dont" Ava said. "Do it Thomas" Minho said. "We're ready" Minho said. "I'm not going back there" Thomas said. "Thomas" I held Newt close. "This is the only way" Thomas said.

"Thomas!" Ava yelled. There was a honk. We looked and saw a truck driving through. It hit the helicopter.

People were punching the guards and running away.

Thomas threw the bomb and fell over and it went off. I held Newt close. Thomas got up and we continued running.

"Go!" I yelled. We continued running and then I was shot with the shockers. "Corbyn!" Minho was shot. Minho was taken into the plane. "Corbyn! Minho!" Thomas yelled. They grabbed me and took me into the plane.

"No!" Newt yelled. "Dont take him away from me!" Newt yelled. They ran away. I smiled at Newt one last time and the door shut. They started it and started going. I passed out.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now