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*few months later*


I was in the cabin waiting for Corbyn to get in here so I can tell him something.

He soon came in with his guitar in his hand. "I didnt know you were in here" he put his guitar down and I walked to him.

He shut the door and looked at me. I kissed him and he kissed back. We pulled away after a few seconds. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I lifted my shirt a little to reveal a bite mark. His eyes turned red and he growled. "Who did this?" He asked. "Um. An.... a-alpha" I stuttered.

His eyes widened. "Um... you realize that I have to bite you to turn you right?" He asked. "Oh thank god" I said and put my shirt down.

"Why is that a good thing?" He asked. "Because. I was worried that I would turn into a wolf because I was bit by that alpha. I was worried that it meant something like I'm part of his pack or something. I was worried that I would be his mate or-" "babe. You're panicking" he said putting his hands on my arms.

I cuddled up to him. "Shh" he said rubbing my back. I started crying in his shoulder. "Shh. It's ok" he kissed the side of my head.

"Calm down love. You're ok. Hes not going to take you from me" he said putting a hand on his head.

"But what if he comes back and hurts me or even worse. The people here. What if he destroys the place?" I asked looking at him. "Hes not coming back" he said putting his hands on my cheeks.

"When theres an alpha in a territory. The other alpha doesnt come to it. Especially if it's a true alphas territory. And it doesn't leave its territory because of danger" "s-so I went into its territory?" I asked. "Probably" "oh god" I put a hand on my forehead and turned around.

He put his arms around my waist and I put my arm down. "Shh. You're alright" he said in my shoulder. "I went into an alphas territory. I dont think that's ok" I said.

"Just calm down darling. You're ok" he said. 'Darling?' I thought. He gripped my shirt and I started panicking.

(A/n: panic attack scene ahead. If this bothers you. Dont read it. I'll tell you when you can start reading again)

I started having a panic attack. Not because of him. Well... it's because of what he's doing and the alpha thing.

"B-babe" I stuttered.

"Yes love" he said. "I... I'm ha...ving a p....panic att-ack" he picked me up and brought me outside.

I sat down and he sat next to me. "Shh. It's ok. Just deep breaths" he said rubbing my back. I took deep breaths but it wasnt working.

"Babe. I-its not w-working" I said still having a panic attack. "Shh. It's ok. Here. Give me your hand" I gave him my hand. "Now think of something calm and take deep breaths"

I thought of him singing to me and I took deep breaths while thinking of it.

(A/n: does that help with any of your guys panic attacks? Cause it works for mine. Anyways. You guys can start reading again)

I soon calmed down and the panic attack went away. "Thanks babe" I said. "No problem love" he said and kissed my temple. We went to the boys and sat on the grass. "So uh... we saw you guys. It looked like something was wrong. Is everything ok?" Jack asked. "Yeah. Just had a panic attack" I said.

Corbyn kissed my cheek and put his arms around my stomach. "So uh... what's going on there?" Corbyn asked. I got confused but when I looked. I saw what he was talking about. Jack and Zach were holding hands. "Um...." Jack said looking at their hands. "Me and my mate had an argument about me living here and she broke up with me" Jack said.

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