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*2 weeks later*


I woke up to the sound of the shower water on. I kept my eyes closed and I soon heard the water turn off.

I heard the curtain move. I smiled a little but I quickly changed it to it's normal position because I heard him getting ready. I knew the door was going to open soon.

The door opened and I heard a sigh. I heard Newt walked over and once he got to me, he put his hand on my arm. He kissed my temple and walked out of the door.

I opened my eyes and smiled as I turned so my back was to the door. I got up and grabbed my clothes.

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned the water on and got in the shower. I started taking my shower.

*time skip*

I turned the water off and got out of the shower. I put my clothes on and ran a hand through my hair a few times.

I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw him sitting on the counter.

I went in front of him and he smiled at me. We kissed. "How'd you sleep darling?" I asked. "Good" I smiled and we put our foreheads together.

"They are coming over today" I was confused. I tilted my head to the side. "Who?" I asked moving my head back. "Vince, Jorge, Brenda, Sonya, Tate, Harriet, Aris, Thomas, Gally, Daniel, Jack, Zach, Jonah, Frypan and Minho" "Damn. Are we having a party or something?" I asked. "Nope" I smiled and pecked his lips.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "When are they coming?" "At 4" "ok" I said and we went to the couch. I sat down while Newt laid down next to me. He put his head on my lap and I started playing with his hair.

"Babe" he said. "Yes love" I looked down at him. "When will you turn me?" My eyes widened. "Not tonight. Maybe next week or maybe this weekend" he smiled at me and laid on his back. He looked at the TV while I rubbed his stomach.

"Will I get ears and a tail right when I turn?" "No. It took 4 hours for mine to pop out" I told him. He smiled and put his hand on the hand that was on his stomach.

"It makes it feel like I'm pregnant" I laughed a little. "Sorry love" I said smiling. We looked at the TV.

*time skip*

We were getting lunch and we were at McDonalds. We went home and ate our food. I put my hand on his and he smiled a little. I smiled and kissed his temple.

We finished eating and I threw our trash away. I walked into the living room and saw him laying on the couch. I walked over and sat next to him and he put his head on my lap.

I put my hand on his and started rubbing it with my thumb.

*time skip*

It's now 4 and we were sitting at the bench near the door. Newt was sitting on the table part and I was sitting on the board and he was sitting right behind me.

The doorbell rang. I walked over and opened the door. I saw the boys. "Hey!" Zach yelled. I moved and they walked in. They saw Newt and they hugged him.

I closed the door and we waited. The doorbell rang and I walked over. I opened the door. I saw Vince, Harriet, Aris and Sonya. They came in.

We waited. Then Thomas, Minho, Frypan and Gally came. And then Jorge and Brenda. We were all here. We are having a party apparently. It's a dance party.

We were doing it upstairs in the extra room. Jorge and Vince were staying downstairs. Me and Newt talked to them for a little while. They were dancing upstairs.

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