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*few weeks later*


I was in my cabin I share with the boys. Jonah was mad at me. They all were. Except for Daniel, Gally, Frypan, Jorge, Brenda, Aris and Minho. They all understand my pov. The other ones dont. Jonah came in and pushed me. "What the hell!?" I yelled.

"You hurt Newt! Hes crying right now!" He yelled. "Than calm him down! Let him sleep!" I yelled. "That's the problem! He cant! He hasn't gotten any sleep for weeks!" He yelled. "This is all my fault" I said. "Yes it is! Now fix it!" He yelled and left the cabin. I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing a song.

*time skip*

I finished it and went to the woods. I started practicing by the river.

*time skip*

I was still practicing when I heard a stick break. I looked and saw Daniel. He had tears in his eyes. "Hey" I said. He came over and sat next to me. "Is this for Newt?" He asked. I shook my head yes. "Hes going to believe you now" he said.

Yeah, hes mad at me again but sad too. We argued yesterday in the woods. We didnt talk at all the rest of the day. We haven't talked at all today. I'm thinking in about 2 days. I'll sing it to him. I'm nervous that this will not work but I have to have faith in this.

We got up and went to the cabin. I put my stuff down and went into the woods. I saw Newt. I looked at him. He saw me and turned his back on me. "New-" "no. Dont talk to me" he said. I walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He punched my arm.

"What the hell?!" I yelled. "Leave me alone!" He yelled. "Let me make it up to you" I said. "No! And if you think a song will work. No it wont!" He yelled.

"Now leave me alone!" He yelled. I looked down and whimpered. I then felt rocks hit me. My eyes turned red. My claws and wolf teeth came out. 'Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm. Damn it!' I thought.

I looked at him and growled. "Corbyn. Dont" he said. I ran to him and pinned him to the ground. He tried to push me off as I tried to bite him. I was so close to his face. He looked away scared. "Corbyn! Stop it!" Newt yelled.

I roared at him. "Corbyn! I'm sorry!" He yelled. "HELP!" He yelled. I was so close to biting him when I was hit with something. I looked and saw that it was a syringe bullet. I fell to the ground and passed out.

*time skip*

I woke up to the feeling of a wet washcloth on my forehead. I looked and saw Daniel. "You're awake" he said. "What happened?" I asked. "You almost bit Newt" he said. "Wait what?!" I yelled. "Yeah" he said. "I-I didnt mean to!" I yelled.

"I know. But now Newts scared of you" he said. "This songs never going to work" I said and cried in my knees. Daniel sat next to me and hugged me. "Shh. It's ok. It will work" he said rubbing my back.

I soon calmed down and Daniel left the cabin. I laid down and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

*next day*

I was woken up by Daniel shaking me. "Corbyn. You need to get up" he said. I looked at him and he smiled a little. "Ugh. Fine" I said. He chuckled and walked out of the cabin.

I got up and got ready. I walked out and saw Newt. He saw me and got scared and looked away. 'Hes really scared of me' I thought. I walked to Daniel and sat next to him. Newt moved away from me a little and sat closer to Vince.

"Get out of here" Thomas said. My ears went down and I walked back to the cabin. I walked in and locked the door. I laid down and didnt leave all day. I decided I'm not going to sing to Newt. It's no use.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now