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*2 days later*


I was in the woods with the boys. We were still in our wolf forms. We cant turn human until we go back.

We are too scared to go back because we are scared of the consequences because we ran away. We heard Thomas yelling. "GUYS WHERE ARE YOU!?" He yelled.

We hid under a hole made in a tree. Thomas ran past us. We walked out and ran away. We ran past the river and ran up a mountain. We sat down and looked out. I saw the village.

I saw Newt walking and I whimpered which echoed and made a loud noise. We hid in a cave that was in the mountain.

When we knew nobody was looking for us. We walked up the mountain more and we stayed there for the night.

*time skip*

It was now late at night and I heard people climbing up the mountain. I woke the boys up and we hid in a cave. I saw Thomas, Gally and Minho. Gally saw us. "Guys" he said.

They looked at us. "Hey guys" Thomas said coming over. "Can you guys come home?" He asked. I looked at the boys. I looked back at Thomas.

"Guys come on" Minho said. We ran out of the cave and ran up the mountain. The boys made it up the mountain but I started slipping. I whined. They looked at me and started helping me up.

Thomas grabbed my legs and pulled me down with all the boys coming with me. We got up and looked at them. "Come home guys" Gally said.

We ran away. "Newt is a disaster Corbyn" Thomas started. I stopped and looked at him. "He hasn't really left the cabin. The only time he leaves is to go to the bathroom or get some food. Besides that. Hes in the cabin. Crying in your hoodie" he said.

I whimpered and looked at the boys. I walked to Thomas. "Will you guys come with us?" Gally asked. I looked at them. They walked over but Daniel didnt come over.

Thomas got upset. "Daniel" he said. Daniel backed up a little. "Daniel please. I miss you" he said getting on his knees. "I want you to come home. Please" he said. He whimpered.

He walked over and Thomas started petting him. We walked down the mountain and started running through the woods. Jack and Zach were running with me. Jonah was running with Minho and Gally. Daniel was running with Thomas.

I saw the village. Thomas, Gally and Minho ran out first. I saw Newt sitting next to the cabin. He had my hoodie on. I hid behind a tree. We all ran to a cabin without them seeing us.

We turned human and got ready. We walked out. Tate saw Jonah and ran to him. They kissed. Thomas ran to Daniel and Daniel ran to him. They hugged and when they pulled away. Daniel kissed him. Jack and Zach were holding hands.

They went to Vince and Frypan. Daniel and Thomas went to Aris, Sonya and Harriet and they started talking. Tate and Jonah went to Brenda and Jorge.

I walked to the cabin and looked over the corner. Newt was crying in his knees. I looked at the ocean. I sighed and saw him walking away.

"Newt" I said. He stopped and turned around.


Once I saw Corbyn. I ran to him and we kissed once I got to him. We pulled away. "Where have you been?" I asked.

"We all lost control and ran away. We were too scared to come back because we knew there would be consequences when we got back" he said.

I was shocked. We went into the cabin. I shut the door and locked it and closed the blinds. I kissed him and he kissed back. We pulled away. "What consequences did you think you were going to get?" I asked.

"I thought it was going to be a punishment because we ran away" my eyes widened. "No. You would never get a punishment. It was the full moon. You lost control" I said. He smiled and pecked my lips.

I smiled and cuddled up to him. We laid down and I was on top of him. "You look really cute wearing my hoodie" he said. I blushed and put my head in his chest.

"Aww is somebody blushing?" He asked. "No" I said. "Mhm" he said. "I'm not" I said. "Ok then. Let me see your face" he said. He lifted my head and smiled. "I knew you were" he said.

I looked down and he put his arms around me. "When are you going to turn me?" I asked looking at him. "Never" he said while looking at the ceiling.

"Babe. I want to be like you" I said. "So you want to be a person with wolf ears and a tail. Turns into a monster on the full moon" he looked at me. "Gets in heat and cant control himself. And could possibly hurt someone. Do you want that?" He asked.

I looked down. "I just wanted to be like you" I said. I sat up and sat on my knees while looking down. He sat up and lifted my head and kissed me.

We pulled away slowly. "I'm sorry. I just.... dont want to hurt you" he said. "You wont. Just please. I want to turn into a wolf" I said.

"When we get to a real home. I'll turn you. How does that sound?" he asked looking at me. I smiled and we kissed. "Sounds perfect" I said. He smiled and pecked my lips.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't come home" I said. "Its fine. I completely understand why" I said. He smiled and we put our foreheads together.

I looked into his eyes and he smiled. We got up and got ready. We laid down and he put his arms around me. I smiled and cuddled up to him.

"Night bubba" he said. "Night baby" I said and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now