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*1 week later*


I was staring at the walls of the maze. I saw Newt still working on the garden so I walked over to the maze. I stood in front of the opening. Newt saw me and ran to me.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm just looking. I'm not going to go in" I said. "Ok good" I saw Minho and Ben running over. "Minho. What's out there?" I asked. "I don't know" he said. They ran in and then they were out of sight. I sighed.

"Let's get back to work" he said. Gally ran over and grabbed my shirt. I pushed him away from me. "You think I'm scared huh?" I asked. "Corbyn? What are you doing?" Newt asked.

I growled at them. Everyone that could see us was staring at us. "I'll make sure that you don't think I'm scared anymore" I said. "Corbyn. Don't you dare even think about it" Alby said coming over.

I turned around and looked at the gray walls that were across from me. I pushed Newt and ran into the maze. "Corbyn! No!" Newt yelled.

*time skip*

I was running around the maze and it was still daytime. I saw Minho and Ben running. They saw me. "Corbyn! What are you doing?! Get out of here!" Minho yelled.

I ran through the maze. 'I don't know what's out here. What was I thinking?' I ran faster through the maze.

*time skip*

I saw the doors. Newt was standing there. He turned and saw me. "Get out of there Corbyn!" He yelled. The doors started closing. "Corbyn! Come on!" He yelled.

I ran over but it was too late. The doors closed. I hit the walls and looked around. I sat next to the doors. Minho and Ben ran over. "Why are- damn it" Ben said realizing the doors were closed.

I got up and we started running around the maze. I soon got out of their sight and started walking because I was so tired of running.

It was night time and I was nervous. Something got stuck on my shoe. I lifted my foot and saw some sticky stuff on the ground. Then it was on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a big spider looking thing.

I ran away as it chased me. I was so scared. 'What the hell is that thing?' I hid under a broken part of the maze. It was right in front of the spot I was in.

I covered my mouth so I wouldnt make any noise. I closed my eyes and looked away. I heard it walking away. I laid there for the rest of the night.

*time skip*

I woke up the next day stressed. I got out of my hiding spot and ran through the maze. I tried to find the doors.


I was laying on the ground in front of the doors. They opened and I got up. Gally and Alby walked over. They stood next to me.

I saw Minho and Ben running out. "Wheres Corbyn?" I asked. "I dont know. He ran away from us. We haven't seen him since" Minho said.

'Please dont be dead. Please dont be dead. Please dont be dead' I thought. I heard running from the maze. I looked and saw Corbyn running like hell. He looked scared. He looked behind him and ran into me.

We fell and he was on top of me. He was pulled off by Gally. "Why did you do that?!" He yelled. "What? I thought you would be happy if I died in there. Besides. I am a monster" he said.

I got up and looked at them. Gally pulled him to the pits and threw him in one. He locked the door and I went to work.

*time skip*

It was late at night. I walked to the pits and stood in front of the door. I saw Corbyn sitting on the ground. He saw me and walked to me. "Hey" I said.

"I'm so sorry for doing that" he said. "Its fine. Just dont do it again" I said. His ears went down. "I was worried that you were dead" I said rubbing his cheek with the back of my fingers.

"Well I'm alive" he said. "Yeah. And I'm shocked" I said. "Nobody survives the maze" I said. "So what now?" He asked. Minho and Ben came over. I sighed and started petting Corbyn. "I say we make him a runner" Minho said.

Corbyns ears went up in shock. "A runner?" I asked. "Yeah. He survived the maze" Ben said. "Yeah but-" Corbyn was cut off by Minho. "Me and Ben almost died in there" he said. "I dont want to see that thing again" my eyes widened.

"You saw a Griever?" I asked. "Yeah" he said. "And you survived" Ben said. "I guess you become a runner tomorrow" I said. He got scared. "Hey. Its gonna be ok" I said petting him. "Well. I think you guys should get some rest" Corbyn said. "Ok" Minho said. "Ben. You can get a break tomorrow" Minho said.

They both walked away. "I'll see you tomorrow" I said. He smiled and moved his head closer to the holes. I moved closer and I kissed his forehead. "Night Corby" I said. "Night Newt" he said. I walked to the hammocks and laid down. I soon fell asleep.

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