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*few months later*


Corbyn told me why he made my account private and I understand why he did it.

I was taking a shower. I forgot to tell you how their concert and band things go. If they are singing. Studio. Then they come back. New song. Studio. Then come back. Tour. They do it and come back home. So it's not like I dont get to see Corbyn at all. I get to see him when he's not doing anything for the band.

I finished my shower and got out. I got ready and walked out. I grabbed my phone and turned it on. I saw notifications for Instagram. I went to instagram and went to the heart for the notifications.

I saw comments on my posts. I sat on the bed and went through them. There were nice comments like....

Omg. You're so cute. Corbyn is so lucky to have you!

You seem really nice. Can I meet you!?

Corbyn said you're the sweetest and cutest boyfriend he has ever had.

You're a wolf?! Can I pet you?!

Then there were hate comments.

Ew. You're ugly.

You're stupid and ugly. How did Corbyn fall in love with you?

Wow.... you really think that Corbyn loves you?

Corbyn deserves better. He fell in love with a worthless bitch!

I fell onto the floor and went to the corner. I cried in my knees.


I was going home. 'I cant wait to see Newt' I was at the studio today to do a song I was making for Newt. I'm singing it at our next concert.

I got home and parked in the garage. I turned the car off and got out of it. I locked it and went inside the house. I heard whines coming from upstairs. 'Newt' I thought.

I ran upstairs and ran into our room. I saw him crying in the corner. I walked over and sat in front of him.

I saw his phone in his hand. I grabbed it and opened it. I saw hate comments on his most recent post. "What. How did this happen?" I asked. He looked at me.

"I dont know why but when I got into it. I wasnt private anymore" he explained. I put his phone on the floor. "You don't deserve me" he said in his knees.

"Love-" "no. You deserve better. I'm just an ugly bitch" he said. "Babe. Why would you say that?" "The haters believe it" he said.

"Well haters do that. They hate on you so that we can break up and they can get with me. Which is never going to happen" I put my hand on his arm. "Dont listen to them" I said moving closer to him.

He looked up at me and I wiped his tears. I kissed his forehead. "Dont listen to them baby. You're amazing" I said. "Are you lying to me?" "Babe. Please. I'm not lying. I love you" I said.

I pecked his lips. "I love you. Please just dont let them get into your head" I said. He looked down and sniffled. I lifted his head and looked into his eyes. "Dont let them get into your head baby" I said putting my hands on his cheeks. "Ok" he said.

"How about you get some rest" I said. "No" he said. I picked him up and brought him to the bed. I laid him down and put the covers over him. "Get some rest love" I said rubbing his head. He turned so he was facing me. I kissed his temple. "I'll be up in a little bit ok" "ok"

I walked downstairs and grabbed my phone. I told Randy about the hate comments. He said to just sing him a song to calm him down. Let him get some rest and make the account private again" I sighed and went upstairs.

He had his eyes closed when I walked in. I grabbed his phone and made his account private again. I grabbed my guitar and sat next to him. He turned and looked at me. "Are you going to sing a song?" He asked. "Mhm. I can sing whatever song you want me to sing" I said.

"Um.... can you sing let me down slowly?" He asked. "Sure" it's by Alec Benjamin and he heard me sing this before and he loved it.

I started singing.

"This night is cold in the kingdom. I can feel you fade away. From the kitchen to the bathroom sink and your steps keep me awake"

"Dont cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste. I once was a man with dignity and grace. Now I'm slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace. So please, please"

"Could you find a way to let me down slowly? A little sympathy, I hope you can show me. If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely. If you're leaving baby let me down slowly. Let me down, down. Let me down, down. Let me down. Let me down. Down, let me down, down. Let me down. If you wanna go them I'll be so lonely. If you're leaving baby let me down slowly"

"Cold skin, drag my feet on the tile. As on walking down the corridor and I know we havent talked in awhile. So I'm looking for an open door"

"Dont cut me done, throw me out, leave me here to waste. I once was a man with dignity and grace. Now I'm slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace. So please, please"

"Could you find a way to let me down slowly? A little sympathy I hope you can show me. If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely. If you're leaving baby let me down slowly. Let me down, down. Let me down, down. Let me down, let me down. Down, let me down, down. Let me down. If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely. If you're leaving baby let me down slowly"

"And I cant stop myself from falling. Down. And I cant stop myself from falling. Down. And I cant stop myself from falling. Down. And I cant dtop myself from falling. Down. Could you find a way to let me down slowly? A little sympathy, I hope you can show me. If you wanma go then I'll be so lonely. If you're leaving baby let me down slowly"

"Let me down, down. Let me down, down. Let me down, let me down. Down, let me down, down. Let me down. If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely. If you're leaving baby let me down slowly"

He was sleeping. I smiled and got up. I put my guitar on the stand and went downstairs. I sat on the couch and sighed. 'Damn it. I want to be with him' I thought.

'Screw it' I ran upstairs quietly and walked in. I got ready and slowly laid down next to him so I wouldnt make a lot of noise. I put my arms around his waist and cuddled up to him. I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now