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*few hours later*


I was cuddling with Newt and it was late at night. Everyone was asleep but I was having trouble sleeping.

I gripped Newts shirt and closed my eyes. I must've woken Newt up because he started moving.

He looked up at me and yep.... I woke him up. "Sorry. Did I wake you up?" I asked. "No" he said. He cuddled up to me a little more and I closed my eyes.

"Guys. Guys. Wake up" Thomas said. "Why?" Newt asked. "I see lights" he said. I opened my eyes and yep, there was lights not far from where we were right now.

We got up and grabbed our bags. We then heard thunder. We looked and saw lightening.

"Go!" Minho yelled. We started running and I was looking back to see the lightening.

I didnt see Newt next to me so I stopped. "Newt?" I asked. "Corbyn! Come on!" I heard Newt yell. I turned and saw him at the door holding it opened.

I started running but then I felt a spark in me. "No!" I heard them yell. I fell to the floor and everything went black.


I ran over with Thomas and we picked him up. We brought him inside and laid him on the floor.

"Corbyn?" I asked. He was passed out. "Corbyn. Please. Wake up" I said. He wasn't waking up.

"I know what to do" Thomas said. I moved away a little and Thomas moved closer to Corbyn. He punched him in the face.

"Hey!" I yelled. I was mad but when I looked down. Corbyn was awake and he was holding the spot where Thomas punched him.

I moved closer to Corbyn and helped him up. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah" he said. Then we heard growls. I turned and a light turned on and I saw a Crank.

I jumped and moved back and hit Corbyn. He put his arms around me and held me tightly. Then we saw more of them.

Then there was a girl with short hair walking through them like it was nothing. "Dont mind them. They are a little weird when it comes to new people" she said. "I'm Brenda. You guys look like shit" she said. We stood there for a few more seconds. Then she took us away and we saw a man and a bunch of other people.

Corbyn held me tightly. The man turned around and saw us. "Do you ever get the feeling the whole world is against you?"

"3 questions... where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?" He asked.

"Dont all answer at once" he said. "Mountains" Thomas said. "We're looking for the right arm" he said.

"You're looking for ghosts you mean" he said. "Question number 2" he said. "Where did you come from?" He asked.

Corbyn gripped my shirt. I looked at him and gave him a light smile. "That's our business" Corbyn said. 'Man. I love his voice' I thought.

People grabbed us and pushed us to the ground. "Hey! Let go of me!" Corbyn yelled. The grabbed something and scanned the back of our necks.

"You were right" Brenda said. "Right about what? What is she talking about?" Thomas asked.

"Looks like you're tagged" he said. "You came from WICKED. Which means. You are very valuable" he said.


I growled when they grabbed us. They took us away. They tied our feet to ropes and pulled a lever to hang us upside down. We were over a big drop.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now