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*few days later*


I was working on the garden with Newt. "Do you need to go in the maze today?" He asked. "Yeah" I said. "Why? Cant you just get a break for once?" He asked. "Newt. It's going to be fine" I felt bad. He really didnt want me to go in there. I sighed and continued working.

*time skip*

I was in the little cabin where only runners can go to. "Alright. So we're going to go to number seven" Minho said. "Ok" I said. "Are you guys ready? We haven't been there before. Who knows what is in there" Minho said.

"Let's go" I said. We put the things on and ran out. I saw Newt. He got sad. "Guys. Wait. I need to do something" I said. I ran over and grabbed Newts hand and dragged him to the cabin. I locked the door and pinned him to the wall.

"What are y-" I cut him off by kissing him. He kissed back and we pulled away after a few seconds. "Why did you do that?" He asked. "Because I love you" I said. He smiled and I looked out of the window in the door. "I have to go. But I have a question" I said. "Ok"

"Will you be my.... boyfriend?" I asked. "Of course" we kissed again and we pulled away after a few moments. "I'll be back. I promise" I said. "Ok" I pecked his lips and ran out and we ran into the maze. "So are you and Newt together Corbyn?" Thomas asked. "Maybe" I said. We stopped and they looked at me with shocked looks on their faces.

"We are" I said. "Ok we have to make it out of here alive. Or else hes not going to have a boyfriend anymore" Minho said. "Yeah" I said. Then we heard beeps coming from Minhos backpack.

Thomas grabbed it and it was the device we got from the Griever. We followed the direction it was telling us to go to. We walked into a tall hallway and it had a long bridge. Big drops on each side of them. And a big wall at the end of the bridge.

We went to the wall and I looked at the device. The red 7 and the red button turned green. Then there was a loud noise from behind us. We looked and the tall wall started moving up.

There was three of the walls and they all went up. Then there was a hole in the back of it. We walked over and then there was a red light that scanned us. Then there was another noise. "Guys. I think we should get out of here" I said.

We started running and Thomas threw the device to Minho. We were running as fast as we could through the plates that were closing. We saw a wall that was closing. We climbed through and fell onto the floor. We got up and ran back to the doors.

We ran through and I saw Newt. "What was going on out there?" He asked. "We found something. A new passage. We think it could be a way out" Thomas said. "Really?" Newt asked. "Its true. We opened a door. Something I've never seen before" Minho said. "Think it must be where the Grievers go during the day" He said. Chuck ran over.

"Wait. Woah. Woah. Woah. Wait you're saying you found the Grievers home? And you want us to go in?" He asked. "Their way in. Could be our way out Chuck" I said. "Yeah. Or there could be a dozen Grievers on the other side. The truth is. Thomas doesn't know what hes done. As usual" Gally said.

'As usual!?' I thought.

I turned around and looked at him. "Yeah well at least he did something. Gally" I started. "I mean what have you done? Huh. Besides hide behind these walls all the time" I said. "Let me tell you something. Greenie. You've been here for 3 months. I've been here for 3 years" he said.

I got mad. "Yeah. You've been here for 3 years and you're still here Gally!" I yelled. "Alright. So what does that tell you? Maybe you should start doing things a little differently" I said. "Maybe you should be in charge. How about that? Maybe you should be in charge" "Its Alby" Teresa said. "Hes awake" she said.

We walked into the cabin and saw Alby awake. He was sitting on the side of the bed. Newt sat next to him and Thomas sat on the floor. "Hey Alby. We think we found a way out. We can get out of here" Thomas said. "We cant leave. They won't let us"

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asked. "I remember" "what do you remember?" Thomas asked. "You" he said looking at Thomas. "You're always their favorite Thomas. Always" we heard yelling from outside. "Why did you do this? Why did you come here?" He asked.

We ran out and I stopped Winston. "Hey what's going on?" I asked. "Its the doors. They arent closing" he told me. We looked and saw that the doors were not closing at all.

We all ran over and I held Newts hand. We were just staring at it until we heard a loud noise. We looked behind us. The other wall opened. Then the two other ones opened as well.

Newt cuddled up to me and I put my arms around him. I went to his ear. "Its going to be fine" I said. "Are you sure?" He asked looking at me. "Yes" I said.

"Ok Chuck. I want you to go to the council. Barricade the doors" Thomas said. "Winston. You go with him" Newt said.

"Get the others. Tell them to go to the forest. Go hide. Now" Gally said. "Minho. I want you to grab every weapon you can find" Thomas said.

"Let's go" Minho said. Newt, Minho and 2 others guys ran. I grabbed Newts hand and pulled him back. I kissed him and he kissed back. We pulled away slowly. "Just in case if we dont make it" I said.

He gave me a light smile and pecked my lips. He ran away. "Ok Teresa. You and I are going to go get Alby alright" Thomas said.

We heard yelling. "RUN! GRIEVERS! RUN!" There were Gladers running out of the forest. 'Gr-Grievers?' I thought. We heard a roar from the maze. We looked and saw maybe 4 or 5 Grievers coming out.

"Alright everybody hide!" Thomas yelled. We all ran into the tall weed. We went down and all I could think of was this. 'Please Newt. Please. Dont be dead. I love you so much. Just please... make it out of here alive'

There was yelling and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. One of the guys that was here was being pulled away by a Griever.

We ran out of the weed. We ran into the little village area. People were being pulled away from the Grievers.

We ran out of there and then a Griever came out. Teresa grabbed a jar that had fire on it and threw it at the Griever. "Go go go!" Thomas yelled. We all ran away.

The Griever chased us. Someone behind me was pulled away from a Griever. Alby fell. "Alby" I picked him up and I went in front of him. "Come on!" I yelled. Then it was hit with 2 spears. "Over here. Let's go!" I heard Minho yell.

I saw Minho, one other guy, Frypan and Newt. I grabbed his hand and we ran away. We hid in the council cabin. I held Newt close to me.

I kissed his cheek. The Griever walked over the cabin. Newt was so scared and he cuddled up to me a little more. Then the top of it fell down and hit us. Someone was pulled away from us.

The tail thingy came out and grabbed Chuck. I ran over and grabbed his arm and started pulling him back. Thomas ran over and helped me.

Alby hit the tail with a club and the thing went away. "Oh thank god. Thanks Alby" I said. He gave me a light smile. "ALBY WATCH OUT!" Thomas yelled. The thing grabbed Alby. I ran over and grabbed his arm. "Get them out" he said. He let go and yelled when he was pulled away.

My ears and tail went down. I walked to Newt and grabbed his hand. I kissed him and he kissed back. We pulled away and he started petting me. All of us ran out and saw what happened to the Glade.

"Where is everybody?" Chuck asked. I held Newt close. Then we saw 3 guys walking towards us. I saw Gally and he didnt look happy.

"Gally" Thomas said.

Gally punched him in the face. "Hey. Woah. What the fuck Gally!" I yelled. We held him back. "This is all you Thomas! Look around!" "Calm down" Newt said. "Its not his fault!" I yelled. "Remember what Alby said. Hes one of them. Hes one of them and they sent him here. To destroy everything. And now he has. Look around Thomas. Look around. This is your fault" Gally said.

Thomas grabbed the thing from Chucks hand. I tilted my head to the side. "Maybe hes right" Thomas said. "Thomas?" Teresa asked. "I need to remember Teresa" He said. "Thomas" I said. Thomas stabbed his leg with the stingy thing from the Griever. "Thomas!" Chuck yelled. We ran over and Thomas fell to the ground.

"Chuck get the other syringe" Teresa said.

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