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*1 week later*


Tonight's the full moon. I'm nervous. I still havent turned Newt. I didnt even tell him that tonights the full moon.

I was sitting on the couch while Newt was making dinner. I looked and saw him looking at his phone. Yes we got phones.

I walked over. Hes looking at the recipe. I smiled. "What?" He asked. "You're adorable" I kissed his cheek. "What do you need now?" I asked.

"Um..... the chicken" I walked to the fridge and got the chicken. "I can cut it if you want" I said. "Sure" he continued making the sauce.

I walked to the island and started cutting the chicken.

*time skip*

We were eating our dinner and watching movies. I put my bowl on the table and put a hand on Newts knee. He smiled a little and put his bowl on the table.

*time skip*

We finished eating dinner and it's now 11. "Babe" I said walking into the bedroom. "Please tell me that you got the chains" I said. "I did. Why?" "Tonights the full moon" I told him.

"Why didnt you tell me earlier?" "I dont know. I just..... I just didnt want you to panic all day" I said looking down. He walked over and lifted my head. "I understand. But next time. Just tell me ok" I smiled a little and we kissed.

We went downstairs to the basement at 11:30. I put the chain locker things on the wall and put chains around my wrists. Around my ankles and one around my neck. "Ok go" I said.

He walked over and pecked my lips. "I love you" he said. "I love you too darling"

He smiled a little and then walked upstairs. I sighed and it soon turned 12. I saw the moonlight going into the basement. I heard the boys yelling in their basements.

I whined when the moonlight hit me. I lost control and tried to get the chains off. I soon got the ones off of my ankles. Then the ones on my wrists came off. I got the chain off of my neck and ran upstairs.

I growled while kicking the door. "C-corbyn?" I roared. I kicked the door open and didnt see anyone.


I ran upstairs and ran into our room. I heard a roar from downstairs. It was Corbyns. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a pocket knife we had.

I ran into the bedroom and heard Corbyn running up the stairs. I ran to the bed and crawled under it. The door opened and I saw Corbyn. He was still human. I saw his claws, his wolf teeth and his eyes were red.

I moved back a little. He walked into the bathroom. Tears rolled down my cheeks when he walked to the bed. He growled. I covered my mouth so I would stay quiet.

He walked out of the room. I uncovered my mouth and laid there until the morning. I didnt fall asleep at all. I was too scared to. Every now and then. He would walk into the room, looking for me but ended up just leaving.

Then at 3 in the morning. He walked in and he walked to the bed. The lights were on so I knew where he was. He got on the floor and looked under the bed. His eyes were red. He saw me and tried to grab me.

"Corbyn! It's me!" I yelled. He looked at me and growled. He tried to grab me again and he scratched my face. I yelled in pain.

He grabbed my shirt and pulled me out. He pinned me to the wall. I looked away scared. "Corbyn please. It's me" I said.

He turned my head and he was normal. His eyes widened when he saw the scars on my face. He backed up and looked around. "What happened?" He asked. "You tried to kill me" I said.

"Did I scratch you?" I shook my head yes. He sat on the bed and cried in his hands. I walked over and sat next to him. I put a hand on his back.

"Its ok baby. I'm fine" "I hurt you" he said looking at me. A tear rolled down his cheek. I wiped it away and kissed his forehead.

I looked into his eyes. "I'm so sorry" he said and pecked my lips. "Its ok baby. I know you didnt mean to" he smiled a little and pecked my lips again. "I'm going to go get cleaned up" I said.

"Ok" I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I put the pocket knife in the drawer. I looked into the mirror.

I had a big scar going across my chin. One big scar going across my cheek. One big scar going across my eye. One big scar going across my forehead.

Luckily I had my eye closed when he scratched my eye. I sighed and cleaned the blood up which hurt like hell. I put water in my hands and put it on my face.

I calmed down and dried my face. No more blood was coming out of my scars. I got ready and walked into the bedroom and saw Corbyn crying in his pillow.

I walked over and sat next to him and put an arm around his waist. He turned and looked at me. "Hey. It's ok. I'm fine" I told him.

He turned fully so he was facing me and put his hand on my scar that was on my eye. "I'm so sorry. I dont know what I was thinking" "you lost control ok. You didnt mean to"

He smiled a little and pecked my lips. "Now let's get some rest" I said. He smiled and cuddled up to me.

I smiled and kissed his head. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now