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*few weeks later*


We've been here for weeks now and I really want to go home but I dont think we can go. I had my arms around Newt and I kissed his cheek. "When can we go home?" He asked. "I dont think we can go home" I said.

By the way. This is what I look like now. I have a few scratches on my face from falling in the woods. I had some cuts on my arms from a stick from also falling in the woods. All my bruises are gone. My hairs a mess. I need to get it cleaned. And my scar on my face from WICKED is fading.

"Man. I need to get my hair cleaned" I said. "Daniel's making a shower in the woods" he said. "What? How?" I asked. "Dont know" he said. "But I think it'll be good" he said. I smiled and pecked his lips.

Thomas came in. "Do you guys know where Daniel is?" He asked. "In the woods" I said. "Making a shower. Dont know if he finished and is taking one" Newt said. "Well I'll go see and if he is. I'm running back" he said. We laughed.

"Alright see ya" I said. He smiled and walked away. I kissed Newts cheek.


I was making a shower in the woods. It was kind of hard but I'm getting there. Then I felt arms go around my waist. "Yes Tommy?" I asked. "How'd you know it was me?" He asked. "Because you're the only one who does that to me" I said.

He smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed a little. "This looks difficult" he said. "You think?" I asked. "Just glad I get to spend the rest of my life here than in the Glade or in WICKED" He said. "Did you work with them?" I asked.

"Yep and then they sent me up into the Glade. And I lost all my memories until one day I remembered I used to work with them. Me and some of the Gladers got out of there. Most of them died getting us this far" he said. "Wow. I heard there was something called a Griever. Can you show me what it looked like?" I asked. "Sure. I'll be back" he pecked my lips and walked away.

I continued working on the shower thing. He soon came back with a piece of paper. He showed me what it looked like. "Oh my goodness. That's horrifying" I said and continued working on it. Thomas dropped the paper and put his arms around my waist again.

"Want me to tell you the rest of the story?" He asked. "Sure" I said. "Well um... we finally got out of there and we went with a guy named Janson. We finally got to take showers. Everyday when we were in the cafeteria. He would call some names out for people who would be going 'home'. The people really werent going home. They were being killed" he said.

My eyes widened. "We soon got out of there. And um.... we soon found Jorge and Brenda. We had to leave the place because of WICKED. And um. Me and Brenda lost them. We found a few Cranks. Brenda was bit. We went to a party. I saw one of my friends named Winston. He died because he shot himself in the head. He was turning into a Crank and I saw Newt as one of them" he said.

"I was hallucinating. And um.... we soon found a guy named Marcus. He told us where the right arm was. And we found right arm. WICKED came back and took Corbyn and Minho. We found the train and took Aris, Sonya and Corbyn. We had to go find Minho because he wasnt on the train we grabbed. We found Gally on the way there. We got in there and found Minho. And Newt was infected by the flare. Which is a deadly virus. It's where you want to kill any living thing that's near you" he explained.

"And... Newt was trying to kill Corbyn. But the cure was my blood. So I gave Newt my blood. He was normal by the time we got here and uh.... yeah. But Janson and a lady named Ava Paige were killed. Janson killed Ava. And Cranks killed Janson. And a girl named Teresa who was the first girl who came to our glade. And she worked with WICKED as well. She died while saving me" he said.

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