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*few weeks later*


It was late at night and I was on Thomas's lap and we were sitting on the couch. "So babe" he said grabbing his cup. "Yeah?" I asked. "I heard you were stressed out. Why?" He asked and then took a sip of his water.

"Um..... my boss at the coffee shop. She once said I was a monster because I was a wolf" his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "And. She..... she threatened to take me to an animal shelter where they would make me turn. And I know how it goes there"

"How do you know?" He asked. "My brother went there" "I'm so sorry. What did they do?" "They have 2 options there" I said scratching the top of my head.

"What are the options?" "You could either be sent into the forest for the rest of your life or they could kill you" I started. "He was sent into the forest. I dont know if I will be able to see him again" "aww baby. I'm so sorry"

I put my head in his neck and started crying. "Shh. Shh. I know what can cheer you up" he said. I looked at him confused.

"Come with me" I got up and he grabbed my hand. "Alright close your eyes" he said. I shut my eyes and covered them with my hand. We started walking.

He opened the door and we walked out. He shut the door. I could smell the fresh air. "We're outside. Arent we" "How'd you know?" "Babe. I'm a wolf. I have a good sense of smell" I said. "Oh right" he said.

We continued walking and we soon came to a stop. "Alright. On three. You open your eyes" I put my other hand to my eyes. "Alright ready" "I'm nervous"

"Dont be. Alright. 1....2.....3"

"I'm so nervous" I said and laughed a little. I uncovered my eyes and gasped. "Awww baby" I said. It was a cute little fort. He smiled and put an arm around my waist.

We walked to the fort and got in. It looked so cute.

This is what it looks like

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This is what it looks like. We laid down and we looked at the TV. He put F.R.I.E.N.D.S on. He put his hand on my neck and moved his hand up to my hair and started playing with it.

I laid on my back and he laid on top of me and continued to play with my hair. He started petting me and I scratched my chin.

He stopped and I whimpered a little. "Oh you liked it?" He asked. My tail started wagging. He started petting me again.

*time skip*

We drank wine and had some chips. We turned the TV off and went inside. "Hey babe. I need to do something real quick" he said. "Ok" he pecked my lips and went downstairs. I smirked.


I had to get something for him. I grabbed a lion plushie I got for him. Lions are his favorite animal so I got one.

I walked upstairs and opened the door. I didnt see him. "Love where are you?" I asked shutting the door and putting the lion behind my back. Then it wasnt in my hands anymore. I turned and saw him but as a wolf. The lion was in his mouth.

He looked adorable and his tail started wagging. He ran to the bed and got on it. He laid down and he looked at me. I smiled and got ready. I walked over and laid next to him. He put the lion on the bed and started panting while looking at me.

I smiled and he moved closer to me. He put his head on my chest and I started petting him softly. "Night puppy" I said. He looked at me and closed his eyes. I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.


I was talking on the phone. It was Corbyn. He needed advice for a date and what he should do.

"So what do I do?" He asked. "You should take him to a cute place with flowers to give to him" "and what do I do?" "You bring food. Set it up before he comes home from something. And then... you surprise him with the place" "ok thanks Jonah" "your welcome Corbs" I hung up and walked upstairs.

I didnt see Tate. I heard the door open. She walked out of the bathroom and saw me. "Oh my god" she said jumping. I smiled and walked over. I pecked her lips.

"I have to go get something" "ok" she left the room. I smiled a little and turned into my wolf form.

*time skip*

I was laying on the bed. Tate hasn't seen me as a wolf before. The door opened and Tate walked in. "Awww" she said.

I got up and walked over. She knelt down in front of me and started petting me. I started panting and we walked to the bed.

We laid down and I cuddled up to her. I laid my head on her stomach and she started petting me. "Night JoJo" she said. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I was upstairs in the bathroom. I smirked. I turned into my wolf form. I walked out to see Jack laying on the bed.

He saw me and smiled. He got up and walked to me. He knelt down in front of me. "Want me to turn too?" He asked. I wagged my tail. He smiled and turned into his wolf form.

I started panting. We went to the bed and laid down. I cuddled up to him and licked his jaw. He put his paw on me and I closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now