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*few hours later*


"Hey. How you feeling?" Teresa asked. "What the hell were you thinking?" Chuck asked. I looked and saw Thomas and Teresa in the pit.

"Are you ok? What happened?" I asked.

"Gallys taken control. He said we had a choice, either join him or get banished at sundown with Thomas" Newt told me.

I growled at what Newt said. "Gally has everyone convinced that you're the reason all of this has happened.

"Well, he's been right so far"

"What are you talking about?" Minho asked. I tilted my head to the side.

"This place, it's not what we thought it was. It's not a prison, it's a test. It started when we were kids, they'd give us these challenges. They were experimenting on us. Then people started disappearing, every month. One after another like clockwork"

"Sending them up into the maze" Newt said.

"Yeah not all of us" Thomas said.

"What do you mean?" Chuck asked.

"Guys, I'm one of them. The people who put you here. I worked with them and watching you guys for years. The entire time you've been here. I was on the other side. And so were you two" Thomas said looking at Teresa and.... me?!

"W-what?" Teresa stuttered. My ears went down. "Why would they send us up here if we were with them?" I asked. "It doesn't matter" Thomas said.

I looked at Newt and he was in shock. He played with my hair and my ears went up.

"He's right." Newt started and put his hand down. "It doesn't matter, any of it" he said looking at Thomas. "The people we were before the maze. They dont exist anymore"

"Those creators took care of that. But what does matter is who we are now and what we do right now. You went into the maze and you found a way out"

"Yeah but if I hadn't. Alby would still be here" I looked away about to cry. Alby and me were really close friends.

"Now get your ass up and let's finish this. Let's finish what you started" Newt said. I looked at Newt. "Alright" Thomas said. We walked away. "Chuck. Corbyn. Get the stuff together. Me and Minho will act like we want Thomas and Teresa dead" Newt said. "Ok" Chuck said and he ran away. Minho and Newt started walking away. Well Minho walked away.

Newt ran to me and kissed me. I kissed back and we pulled away after a few seconds. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said. I pecked his lips and ran to Chuck.

We got everything together. "Corbyn. I have something for you" Chuck said. "Ok" I said. He handed me a carved figure of two people. One had curly hair like Chucks and the other one had wolf ears. "Awww. Chuck its adorable. I love it" I said and hugged him.

We continued to put everything together. We ran out and saw Thomas and the gang standing by the doors. "Full of surprises, aren't you?" Gally asked.

We ran over and I stood next to Newt. "You dont have to come with us but we are leaving. Anyone else that wants to come. This is your last chance" Thomas said.

I grabbed Newts hand and he smiled at me. I smiled back and pecked his lips. We looked at Gally. "Dont listen to him. He's just trying to scare you" Gally said.

"I'm not trying to scare you. You're already scared. Alright, I'm scared. But I'd rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of my life in here. We dont belong here. This place... isnt our home. We were put here, we were trapped here. At least out there, we have a choice. We can make it out of here. I know that" Thomas said.

I put my arms around Newts waist and kissed his cheek. People started coming over. "Gally. It's over. Just come with us" I said.

He shook his head no and looked at us. "Good luck against the Grievers" Gally said.

We ran into the maze. We were running to number 7. I noticed something about Newt. He had a limp. "What happened?" I asked. "Um.. I broke my leg when I was a runner" he said.

We kept running. "Keep it up guys. We're nearly there" Thomas yelled. We stopped by a corner.

Newt backed up and he hit me. I put my arms around his chest and kissed his cheek. "Do you think we'll make it out of here?" He asked. "Yes" I said.

"Is there a Griever?" Chuck asked.

"Yeah" Thomas said. Minho grabbed the device from his backpack. He gave it to Chuck. Chuck got nervous. "Its ok, stay with me" Teresa said.

"If we get through, this thing will activate and the door will open. If we stick together. We'll get through this. We get out now. Or we die trying. Ready?" Thomas said.

"No" Newt said. I kissed his cheek. "We'll be fine" I whispered in his ear. "Ok" he said.

"Let's go!" Thomas yelled.

We ran out and the Griever ran towards us. We pushed it with our spears and it was almost off the edge.

It grabbed one of the guys and threw him. "Help!" He yelled while falling off the edge. My eyes widened.

'Oh god' I thought. Teresa hit the leg with a knife and the device was almost at the edge. Chuck ran after it. "Chuck watch the edge!" I yelled.

He grabbed it and I heard a growl. I ran over and pulled him up. We saw them push the Griever off of the edge. Then 2 more came up near me and Chuck. "Run Chuck run!" I yelled.

We ran away. "No" Newt said. They hit the Grievers with the spears. Chuck ran over to the door and it opened. "Teresa go!" I yelled. She ran to Chuck and they ran into the little hole.

We attacked the Griever with the spears. One guy ran over and the Griever grabbed his spear. They grabbed him with the tail and threw him to the edge.

It roared at us. "It won't open!" Teresa yelled. "Thomas! Theres a code. 8 numbers!" She yelled.

My ears went up. I remember the code. "I know what it is" I said still fighting the Griever. "Well say it!" Thomas yelled.

"7! 1! 5! 2!-" I was cut off by Newt yelling. "Watch out!" I looked up and saw a Griever jumping down. It landed on top of me. I held it back with my spear. "Corbyn! No!" Newt yelled.

I looked away scared like hell. I looked at Newt and he was about to run over. "NO NEWT!" I yelled. Jeff ran over and stabbed the Grievers head with the spear. I backed up and the Griever grabbed Jeff. "Jeff!" Winston yelled.

The Grievers came over. We backed up into the hole. "6! 4! 8! 3! Did you get it!?" I yelled. One of the Grievers grabbed Newts stick and broke it. And it was about to grab Newt but the walls were closing. I grabbed Newt and pulled him back. One Griever was trapped while the other one was killed.

The other one was about to attack us but I threw my spear and it went into its mouth. Then it was killed. The door closed. We walked out of the door behind us.

We looked around and then the lights turned on. I grabbed Newts hand and we continued walking.


I was walking with Corbyn and I was holding my arm because the Griever cut my arm.

Corbyn noticed and pulled my hand off of the cut. He ripped a piece of his shirt off and put it around my arm where the cut was. I smiled at him. He pecked my lips. We walked to the rest of the Gladers. We saw a door with a sign that said exit.

We opened the door and saw blood and dead people and broken glass everywhere. "What happened here?" I asked.

We walked into a room and there was computers and tall glass things in here. We looked at some of the computers.

"So they were watching us" I said.

Corbyn grabbed my hand and we went to a big TV screen. It then showed a lady with her hair up and she was wearing all white clothes.

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