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*few weeks later*


Newt was at work. I wanted to go see him so I got up. I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom.

I took a shower and then got ready. I wore a white shirt with white jeans. I brushed my teeth and ran my hand through my hair a couple times. I went downstairs and put my sweatshirt on. It was a black on. I put my shoes on and grabbed my keys.

I went to the car and got in. I drove to his work. I walked in and saw Newt at the cash register. I walked over and stood in front of it. He looked at me and smiled. He ran around and jumped. He put his legs around my waist and put his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing here?" "I just wanted to come see my baby and calm him down from the stressful day" I said. He smiled and got down. We walked to the back.

I saw a lady and he grabbed my hand. "What?" I asked. "Shes the boss" he whispered. "No out" she said. My eyes widened. I looked at her. "Excuse me?" I let go of Newts hand. "Out"

"Mk. I'll leave the back and order" "no. Out of here" I crossed my arms. "Excuse me. But I'm allowed in here" "no. No wolves are allowed" "so"

"So get out" "I'm allowed to come in here and see my boyfriend" "out" she said. "You can't tell me what to do" "out" she said pointing to the door. Newt grabbed my hand. "You should go. I dont want you getting hurt" he whispered.

"I would but I want to teach her a lesson" he whispered. His eyes widened. I looked at her. "You either leave or I'll call the cops" "call the cops? For me walking in here and spending time with my boyfriend?" "Out" she said.

"No" I said. She grabbed a knife and pointed it to me. "Leave" "pfft. What are you going to do?" "Leave!" She yelled. I growled at her. Newt grabbed my arm and held me back. "Calm down"

I looked at him. I calmed down. "Leave" "no. I'm allowed to come in here and spend time with my boyfriend" I said. Everyone was looking at us. "Leave" "fine" I walked to the door but was stopped by Newt.

"Love I have to go" "shes going to cut my arm" "what?" I got mad. "Its because you went back there. She doesn't like wolves. She said to me that if she sees you in her. Shes going to blame me and cut my arm"

I growled. "You're quitting and getting a different job" he walked to his boss. "I'm sorry but I can't deal with this anymore. I'm quitting" "what. No you can't quit" he walked to me and we went to our cars. I was parked next to him. "I'll see you at home" he gave me a light smile. We went home.

*time skip*

We walked in while holding hands. They girls and the guys are coming over today and I have a song for Newt. I was on the couch with him on my lap.

He had his arms around my neck and his legs were on the couch. He cuddled up to me and put his head in my neck. I smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

*time skip*

Everyone was here and Newt was still on my lap. We were just talking. Newt pecked my lips. "I'm so sorry about today" "what do you mean?" "With my boss"

"Oh it's ok" I said and rubbed his back. "I'm just happy that you quit" I said. He smiled and pecked my lips again. We continued talking.

Then it was time for me to sing but Newt would not get off of my lap. "Newt. I cant sing with you on my lap" I said. They all laughed.

"No. I'm not getting off" "love. You have to. Cause if you dont. Then I cant sing for you" "no" "please baby" I said.

"You know. You're getting annoying" I said. Their eyes widened. "But in a good way" they smiled at me. "But babe. Please. Dont you want to hear me sing?" "Mhm" "then you have to get off of my lap" "no" he gripped my shirt.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now