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*few weeks later*


Newt finally got a new job. I'm happy for him. He works at Wendy's. He's been working there for 3 weeks now. He says the boss is super nice. She loves wolves. It's her favorite animal. And he really likes it there.

I was in my room waiting for Newt to come home. The door opened and I walked downstairs. I saw him closing the door. He took his shoes off. I ran to him and he turned around. I hugged him.

"How was work?" "Good actually" he said hugging me back. "Did you miss me?" He asked. "Yes" I said. He laughed a little. "Wanna go on a walk tonight?" He asked. "Sure"

He smiled and pecked my lips. We sat on the couch and started watching a show.

*time skip*

I was making dinner when I felt arms go around my waist. I smiled and continued making the burgers. "Ooo. I love your burgers" he said. "Aww thanks baby" I said.

He smiled and kissed my cheek. I soon finished making the burgers and I put the burgers on the plate. We walked inside and started putting our burgers together. We got fries and sat on the couch. We started eating.

*time skip*

We finished dinner and I was washing the dishes. "So when are we going on our walk darling?" I asked. "Um.... 10" he said. "Ok" I finished washing the dishes. I dried them and put them away.

I walked over and sat next to him. We continued watching the show.

*time skip*

It was raining so we put our coats on. We put our hoods up and started our walk.

*time skip*

We were walking and we were going to cross the street. Newt walked. I saw a car and it wasnt stopping. "NEWT LOVE RUN!" I yelled. He didnt hear me.

The car lost control.


I was pushed onto the sidewalk. "What the-" I turned and saw Corbyn flying in the air. He hit the ground and was lifeless.

I ran over and a lady got out of the car. She ran over. "I'm so sorry. I-I didnt see him" I didnt answer. She called an ambulance. He had blood on his face, his arms, his hoodie and his pants.

"They are on their way" she said. I pulled Corbyn to the sidewalk. People started stopping and looking at us. I saw people pulling over. I saw an ambulance. They stopped and got out.

They put him on the bed and put him in the ambulance. "Only family" "im his boyfriend" "ok come in" I got in and looked at him. They turned the monitor on.

He's still alive. I held his hand and started crying. A lady came over and rubbed my back.

*time skip*

We were in the hospital. I was sitting in the waiting room. Everyone was here. Tears rolled down my cheeks to see him through the window. Zach hugged me and I cried in his chest.

*time skip*

The doctors came out. "He's fine" he said. I sighed in relief. "Can we see him?" Brenda asked. "Yes" He said.

Brenda, Tate and Jorge went in first. Then Gally, Minho, Frypan and Thomas. Then Vince, Sonya, Aris and Harriet. Then Daniel, Zach, Jack and Jonah.

I went in and saw him awake. I smiled. "Hey" I said sitting in the chair. "Hey babe" I grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry this happened" "it's fine" "no it's not" "babe. If I didnt do something. You would be in this situation and I dont want that" tears rolled down my cheeks. "I'll be fine" he said as he wiped the tears away. I smiled and kissed his hand.

*time skip*

I was in the house alone. Corbyn has to stay there for a week. I sighed and put my head on the back of the couch.

*time skip*

I was in our room and it didnt feel right with him not here. I closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now