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*few months later*


I was in the cabin working on 2 songs. Newt was outside with the boys. I think this song will be the song to help him sleep one night.

I finished the song and put my guitar down. I went out and saw Newt talking to Frypan. I sat next to him and kissed his cheek. We started talking to Frypan.

I put my arm around Newts stomach and pulled him closer. I kissed his forehead and looked around. He started playing with my hair.

We went into the cabin and he continued to play with my hair. He started to pet me. Then he started to stroke my ears.


He seemed to like it but then he sat up. "Babe. You alright?" I asked. He looked at me and his face was red. "Babe?" I asked. He grabbed my shirt and kissed me.

I kissed back. 'Why is his face red?' I thought. I then felt something. His hands were going down my back. 'Holy shit. Hes in heat' I thought. I pushed him off and got up. "Corbyn. Dont" I said.

He grabbed my shirt and pinned me to the wall. He kissed my neck. "CORBYN! STOP IT!" I yelled. Then there were knocks on the door. "Corbyn. What are you doing?!" I heard Daniel. "DANIEL! HELP!" I yelled.

He kicked the door open and saw what was happening. He grabbed Corbyn and threw him outside. Corbyn looked at me and growled. I sat on the floor while Jack and Zach comforted me. Daniel grabbed Corbyn when he tried to run to me.

"EVERYONE STAY BACK!" Jonah yelled. I put my head in my knees. I then looked up a little. Daniel had Corbyns arms pinned behind his back and he was looking at Jonah. Jonah punched him in the face a few times and Corbyn fell.

He was passed out. Tears rolled down my cheeks. They put him on the bed and they cleaned the blood up. They put bandages on the cuts. They all left but I stayed here.

'Why did I do that?' I thought.

*time skip*

10 minutes passed and Corbyn woke up. He looked around and saw me. His face was normal. He was confused on why I was crying. He sat next to me and pulled me closer.

"What's wrong?" He asked and kissed my head. "Y-you were i-in heat. A-and you tried t-to do something to me" I stuttered. "Babe. I'm so sorry. I was in heat. I wasnt thinking" he said putting his hands on my cheeks and looking at me.

"Please dont be mad at me or scared of me" he said. "I'm not" I said. I cuddled up to him and he rubbed my back. "I'm so sorry" he said. I looked at him. "This is all my fault" he said. "No it's not" I started.

"Its mine. I made you go in heat. I stroked your ears" I said. "Well now we know you cant do that" he said. "Yeah" I said.

"I'm still very sorry" he said looking at me. "Its fine babe" I said. "No it's not. I could've done something to you" he said. "And you didnt" I said.

"Because the boys were here" I added. "So you did nothing to me" "but I could've done something if the boys werent here"

I sighed and kissed him. He kissed back and I pinned his head to the wall. We pulled away after a few moments and looked at each other. We put our foreheads together.

"I love you" I said. "I love you too" he pecked my lips. "I dont think I can go out there" he said. "No you can" I said. "You sure? Or will people get scared of me?" "Babe. You're fine" I said and got up.

He got up and we walked out. Everyone was staring at us. Corbyn whimpered and ran away. I ran after him. He ran into the woods and he jumped on a rock and then onto a tree.

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