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*few hours later*


I woke up to the feeling of Newt not being by my side. I heard talking upstairs.

I got up and walked up the stairs and saw Newt talking to Thomas. I sat behind a barrel.

"Where do you think you're going?" Newt asked. "Newt" "Dont be a twat about it. I'm already in" Newt grabbed the bag and walked to the car.

"No no. Not this time. Look even if we find Minho there's no guarantee we'll make it back from this" Thomas said. "Well we need all the help we can get then" Newt said and opened the door to the car.

"Well we started this together. Mine as well end it that way too" Newt said. "Ok. Let's go get him back" Thomas said. "Yeah I dont think so" I said walking out. "Corbyn. Please. This is Minho. Who knows what he's going through right now" Thomas said.

"What do you think I went though?" I asked pointing to my scar and my bruise on my face. "Corbyn. Please. We need to find Minho" Thomas said. "Well I'm not letting 3 humans go by themselves" I said. "And there's no way in hell. That I'm sending my baby out there without me" I said.

They smiled at me. "So I'm coming" I said. Newt walked to me and hugged me. "I was hoping you would" he whispered. "Of course I would" I whispered. "Alright. Let's go" I said. We got in the car and Frypan started going.

Frypan and Thomas were in the front. I was in the back with Newt and he was on my lap. And then we hit a bump. My eyes widened. Newt was blushing like crazy. "Oh my goodness" Thomas said and laughed. Newt got off of me.

"Ok um... remind me that everytime we go in the car that you never sit on my lap" I said. "Ok" he said. Frypan and Thomas were laughing. I was so embarrassed. Newt grabbed my hand and smiled a little when I looked at him. I smiled back and pecked his lips.

*time skip*

We stopped and we were in front of a tunnel. We got out of the car. "You want us to go in there?" Newt asked. "Yeah" Thomas said. "Newt. Stop trying to look like a bad boy" I said. "Why?" Newt asked. They were all shocked. "Because. If you do that and girls see you doing that. They are going to come after you. And I'm uh. Going to get really over protective" I said. "Oh god" Thomas said.

Frypan laughed and Newts eyes were wide. "You are gonna..... kill them?" Newt asked. "Maybe" I said. "Corby" he walked to me. He hugged me. "I'll stop" he said. "Good" I said and played with his hair. "Alright love birds. Let's go" Thomas said. We got in the car. Newt sat in the front and Thomas sat in the back with me. Frypan was driving. We started going into the tunnel.

Newt turned his light on. "Here we go" Frypan said. "Just take it nice and slow" Newt said. "Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah" Frypan said. We saw a Crank standing in front of us. He was a little far away. But that thing is scary. I growled. "Corbyn" Newt snapped his fingers in front of my face. I looked at Thomas. He shook his head yes.

I growled and Newt did it again. I licked his fingers. "Hey" he said pulling them away. I giggled and sat back. Anyways... back to the Crank. "Guys. What do we do?" Frypan asked. "Its ok. Just one. Take it slow and go around him. We'll be fine" Thomas said. "Take it slow" Frypan said.

Newt rolled his window up and turned his light off. I sat back and saw a girl at the window. I jumped and yelled. "What the?" Newt asked looking at me. Frypan and Thomas looked too.

"Please. Help me. Please" she said. My eyes turned yellow. I barked. Then there was more. "Fry go!" I yelled. He started going. One got on the car and Frypan was losing control. The Cranks followed us. It went on the side of the car. Frypan went by a pole and the Crank fell off when it hit the pole.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now