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*3 years later*


Kyle and his wife, Cherrie have a girl. Her names Anna. Julie and her husband have a boy. His names Jeremy.

Me and Corbyn were cuddling upstairs. Molly hasn't been feeling the greatest for 2 weeks.

She hasn't been eating much, drinking or playing. Shes been outside only for walks but they arent long and she goes to the bathroom.

"I'll be back. I'm going to go check up on Molly" I said. "Ok" I went downstairs and saw her laying on her side on the floor. I ran over and put a hand on her. Her breathing wasnt normal.

"CORBYN!" I yelled. He came downstairs. "Her breathing isn't normal!" I yelled. He ran over and picked her up.

We ran to the car and put her in the back. We drove to the vet.

*time skip*

We were in a room and Molly's head was on my lap. She was laying on her side. Corbyn came in. I looked up at him.

He shook his head no. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Me and Molly are really connected.

Whenever I was sad, she would be there. Whenever I was mad, she would be there. Whenever I was tired, she would sleep with me to keep me warm.

She was a good friend and I dont think I'll ever forget her. I put my head in my hands and Molly licked me. I kissed her head.

*time skip*

I was in the waiting room. Corbyn was taking her to a room so they would put her to sleep.


I was standing in the room. Molly was sitting on the table and they were doing something. "Goodbye Molly" I said. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

They put her to sleep. I turned and put my arms on the wall and rested my head on my arms.

I walked out and Newt got up. He hugged me and I cried in his shoulder. He cried in my neck.

*time skip*

Newt was upstairs, laying in bed. Ever since we got home, hes been up there. He wanted some alone time so I was sitting downstairs.

I ran upstairs and saw him laying in bed, crying. I ran over and rubbed his back. "Hey it's ok. Shes in a better place now" I said. I got up and laid down next to him. He cuddled up to me.

"Shh" I said and kissed his head. It then got silent. I lifted his head and saw him sleeping.

I smiled and put his head back in my chest. I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now