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*few months later*


Kyle was with Tate and Jonah. Me and Newt were at the house and I heard Newt sigh.

"What's wrong love?" I asked. "Nothing" I knew he was lying. "Babe. Dont lie to me. Tell me what is wrong" I said. "I-I think I'm ready" he said.

I was confused. "For what?" I asked. "To have another child" he said. My eyes widened. "Really?" I asked. "Yes" he said. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Just tell me when you're ready for me to get you pregnant" I said. "Ok" he said. We continued watching the movie.

Newt then got up and ran upstairs. I was confused. I ran after him. He was sitting on the bed. "Love what's wrong?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"I-I- I dont know" he said. "Babe. There has to be a reason why you're acting like this" "Babe I dont know!" He yelled. "I don't know if I want to have another child. I dont know if my minds just playing games with me. I dont know Corby. I-" "shh. Shh. Baby. Calm down"

"You're panicking" I said. He calmed down and looked down to his lap. "Baby. It's fine if you dont want another child. If you dont. Just tell me"

"But I do want another one. I just dont know if I want it right now" "and that's fine. I will do what you want. Whether it means I have to die or go to jail. I'll do anything that will make you happy ok"

He cuddled up to me and I kissed his head. "Its fine. Just tell me when you're ready ok" "o-ok" "I have to go pick up Kyle. I'll be back" I said and kissed his head. I pecked his lips a couple times and went downstairs.

I put my shoes on and grabbed my keys and my wallet. I went to the car and got in. I drove to Tate and Jonahs house. I parked and Tate came out with Kyle in her arms.

She put Kyle in the backseat and put his seatbelt on. She shut the door and I rolled down my window. Jonah was at the door so I could say bye to him.

"Bye guys!" I yelled. "Bye Corbyn!" They yelled waving. I waved as I drove away. I rolled my window up and went home. I parked in the driveway and I stopped the car.

I got out and picked Kyle up. I locked the car and went inside. I locked the door and put Kyle down. "Honey! I'm home!" I yelled. Newt came running down the stairs and Kyle ran to him.

Newt picked him up and kissed his head. "How was it?" He asked looking at Kyle. "It was fun" he said. I smiled at the sight.

Newt looked adorable smiling. I am hooked for this boy. I dont know what my life would be like without him.

He saw me staring and I looked down. He walked over and lifted my head. I smiled at him. He put Kyle on the couch.

*time skip*

It's late at night and we were putting Kyle in his bed. He looked at me and giggled. "You have to go to sleep" I said.

He stopped giggling. We walked to the door and he was sleeping. I turned the light off and closed the door.

We walked to our room and got ready. We laid down and I put my arms around his waist. He cuddled up to me.

I kissed his head. "Night love" I said. "Night doggy" he said and put his head in my chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now