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We were in some place that looked abandoned. I was actually kind of scared of the place. You dont know what's out here.

Corbyn noticed and put his arms around my waist. I smiled and he pecked my lips. "Alright love birds. Let's get going" Thomas said. "But do you have a plan?" I asked. "Yeah" I knew he was lying.

"Well we followed you out here and now you're saying that you have no idea what we are doing" I said. "I will make a plan. Let's just go" he said. "No" Teresa said.

"What?" Thomas asked. "Thomas. Tell me what the hell is going on" "that was WICKED. They wanted something from us. It's something in our blood or something. Me and Aris went into a room and saw bodies" Thomas started. "Dead?" I asked. "No but they werent alive either" He said.

"They were being hanged by wires and they were being drained" he said. Corbyn put his head in my neck. I rubbed his hand. "Thank god we got out of there" Corbyn said lifting his head.

"I dont want any of you guys getting hurt. Especially this one" he said and I knew that he was talking about me when he said the last sentence. They chuckled. "Now let's go get some stuff" he said. We walked down the hallway and saw a few rooms with items in them.

We walked in one. "Alright. Everyone get some stuff. Me and Minho will go explore and see if we can find anything. Meet back here" Thomas said.


Thomas and Minho left. I walked out of the room with Newt. We were out of sight from the other guys. I pinned him to the wall. "I dont think this is the best time" he said. "I dont think we should do this" he said.

I didnt listen to him. I kissed him and he kissed back. I moved my hands to his back and then to his waist. He put his arms around my neck. "Corbyn! Newt! Where are you guys!?" Frypan yelled.

We pulled away. "They always ruin the moment" I said. He chuckled and we kissed for a few seconds and we pulled away. We walked out and we started getting stuff. Frypan looked at Newt while he was taking his shirt off. I turned his head. "Hes mine" I said. "Sorry" he said and we continued getting stuff.

I walked to Newt and he still didnt have a shirt on. I went behind him. "Gonna put a shirt on yet?" He jumped when he heard my voice. He turned around and I saw a scar on his chest. I touched it softly.

I moved my hand down his chest and his stomach. I pulled away slowly and he was blushing like crazy. I smiled seeing how nervous he looked and he put his shirt on. Then lights started turning on. I blushed from how cute Newt looked while smiling. "You look adorable" I said putting a hand on his cheek. He blushed and I kissed his forehead.

We walked down the hallway and I saw Winston, Frypan, Aris and Teresa but no Minho and Thomas. "Where are they?" I asked. "I dont know" Frypan said.

Then we heard yelling from the end of the hallway. "HEY! HEY!" I saw Minho and Thomas running down the hallway. People were running after them. They were making noises. "RUN!" Thomas yelled. "Oh shit" Newt said.

"HEY! GO!" Thomas yelled. "GET OUT OF HERE!" Minho yelled. We ran away. We ran up the escalator and those things were following us. "What the hell are those things!?" Frypan yelled. "I dont know!" I yelled. More came out and Newt ran into my back.

I ran over to the thing and my claws came out. I scratched its head and it fell to the floor. "Run!" I yelled. That thing is still alive. 'How?!' I thought. It chased Newt and Aris. 'Oh no you dont' I thought.

I grabbed the thing and grabbed its arms and put them to its back. It looked terrifying but I have to protect them somehow. My claws came out and I scratched its neck so his head came off. I let it go and helped Newt up. "Run! Guys! Run!" I yelled.

They came running over and we ran up the escalator. We ran down the hallway and it didnt look like this thing was going to end.

I wasnt thinking of stopping until we got out of here when all of a sudden. I heard glass break and Thomas yell. "Newt!" He yelled. I stopped and turned around to see one of those things on top of Newt. I ran over and kicked it off of him. It fell off of the edge.

I helped him up and we looked at those things. There were so much running towards us. We started running down the hallway. We ran into a hallway and ran into a room. I held Newt close.

The doors were locked but one of them we were able to open. Well we had to break a lock. "Corbyn! Kick the door!" Frypan yelled. "I'll break the stupid door. Do you want that?!" I yelled. "Just kick the damn door!" Newt yelled. I ran over and kicked the door. I didnt break the door off which was good. We all ran out but Winston fell.

Minho and Thomas were holding the door but those things were scratching Winston. I pulled Winston out. "Aris! Newt! Take him!" I yelled. They took Winston. "Come on guys!" I yelled running away. Minho ran away. Thomas started running.

We made it outside and we hid under a rock. I held Newt close. "W-" I put a hand to Newts mouth. I laid back with Newt on top of me. I went to his ear. "Dont say anything" I whispered. I uncovered his mouth and he cuddled up to me. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now