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*3 months later*


We have released an album. It's the Why Dont We Just album. (A/n: is it actually an album. I don't know)

Our channel has over 800 subscribers already. I am so happy. We all were. I haven't told Newt yet.

I was sitting on the couch and he was washing the dishes. I was going to but he said no.

"Hey baby" I said. "Yeah?" "Our channel already reached over 800 subscribers" I said. "No way" he said looking at me. "That's amazing" he said. I smiled a little and I got up. I walked over and kissed his cheek.

*time skip*

We were watching TV upstairs. It was late at night and I realized I had a sore throat. "Babe. I have a sore throat. I'll be back" I said and got up. "Ok" he said and I walked downstairs. I grabbed a pill for the sore throat.

I took it and it got stuck in my throat. I ran upstairs. "What?" He asked sitting up. "Its stuck" I said. "What? How?" He asked. "I-I dont know" I said. "I'll go to the doctors tomorrow" I said. "Ok" I walked over and got ready. I laid down next to him.

I put my arms around his waist and he turned the TV off. We laid down and he cuddled up to me. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

*next day*

"Babe. I have to go to work" I heard Newt say. "Ok" I looked at him and he pecked my lips. "You have to go to the doctors. Dont forget" he said. "I dont think I will" I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Bye Corbs" he said and walked downstairs. I got up and went to the window. He was getting in his car. He drove away. I checked the time. 8. They are opened. I got ready and went downstairs.

I put my shoes on and went to my car. I got in and drove to the doctors.

*time skip*

I got there and walked in. I told the lady what was wrong and she sent me back into a room. A man came in and checked what was wrong.

"You have to go to the hospital" he said. "Why?" I asked. "Your neck is swollen" he said. I got up and went to the car. I drove to the hospital.

I walked in and saw a lady. I knew she worked here. "I was sent here because my necks swollen" I said. "Alright come with me" she said.

We walked to a room and she gave me a gown. She left and I got ready. I put the gown on and laid down. I put the blanket over me. I grabbed my phone and sighed.

A man came in with a box. "Alright. So how did you know that something was wrong?" He asked. "I had a sore throat last night so I took a pill to help with it and the pill got stuck" I explained. "Ok" he said.

He put something on my neck and he left. He had to get something. I took a picture and sent it to Newt.


Oh my god what happened?
Did you find out what was wrong?

Yep its swollen. Its blocking 95% of airway so if I didnt come here I wouldnt be able to breath

Oh my god. I'm so sorry this is happening.

It's fine. Just continue your day. I'll text you when I'm done

What can I do though?

You can tell everyone what's going on

Ok on it
I love you

Love you too

I put my phone down and laid my head on the pillow. The man came in with one other man and a lady. "Alright. You have to have surgery" he said.

"Ok" I said. "When do you guys start?" I asked. "Now" the lady said. "Ok" I said. They made me pass out.

*time skip*

I woke up and I saw that I was in the hospital room. I didnt feel that pipe on my neck. The man came in. "You are fine. It's not swollen anymore. It didn't damage anything. But you will have a mark on your neck for the rest of your life"

"Ok" I said and sighed. "You're going to have to stay here for 2 weeks" he added. "Mk" I said and he left the room. I grabbed my phone and texted Newt.


How'd it go?

Good had surgery
And have to stay here for 2 weeks

Aww man
Can I visit you?

I dont know I'll have to ask a doctor

I told everyone
They are worried

Um also... I have a mark on my neck and it'll be there for the rest of my life. But when they were doing the surgery. It didnt damage anything

That's good
I'm sorry about the mark

It's not your fault

I know I just feel bad

I know you do but things happen

I hope you dont get any hate for it
Fans hate on something stupid

I know
I dont think I'll get any hate

Well I would love to talk but I have to work. People are coming in so I have to go

Ok bye. Love you

Love you too

I put my phone down and sighed. The doctor came in. "Am I allowed to have visitors?" "Yes" he said. I smiled a little.

"How are you feeling?" "Good" I said. "Ok. Just going to give you this" it was a button. "If you feel any pain. Just push the button and we'll come ok" he put the button on the desk next to me. "Ok" he smiled a little and left.

I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

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