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*few weeks later*


I was going to run the maze today with Minho and Alby. I was at the doors with them and I saw Newt running over. We hugged and I kissed his cheek. "Be careful" he said. "I'm always careful" I said looking at him. I kissed his forehead and looked at them.

"Let's go" Alby said and they ran in. I looked at Newt and winked. I ran in and turned the corner so I was now out of Newts sight.

*time skip*

We have been running for hours and Alby was stung. We were carrying him back and we heard the maze changing. "The doors are closing" Minho said. "Faster!" He yelled. We walked faster. We turned the corner. "COME ON GUYS! YOU CAN DO IT!" Chuck yelled. The doors were closing.

"Let him go!" They yelled. "Come on!" "CORBYN! COME ON!" Newt yelled. I collapsed onto my knees. They started bleeding and I heard the doors close. "Good job. You just killed yourself" Minho said.

I was confused but when I looked. I saw Thomas staring at us. "Why would you come in here!?" I yelled. "I came to save you" He said. "Newt tried to come in but it was too late" he said. I got up and almost fell over again. I sat down and held my knees.

We tied Alby onto a vine and started lifting him up on the wall. Minho started running. "Go" I said to Thomas. "What no" he said. "Theres a Griever. Go" I said. 

He ran away and I tied the vine to the sticks. I ran away once I saw the Griever. I hid under a broken piece of the maze again. It walked past me. I laid there for the rest of the night.

*next day*


I was standing by the doors. I stayed there for the rest of the night. The doors started opening. I got up and everyone came running over. Well not everyone, just a few people.

I didnt see them when the doors fully opened. 'No. No no no no' I thought. "They're gone. Sorry Newt" Gally said. I fell to my knees and started crying. But then I heard groans coming from the maze. I looked up and saw them. Minho and Thomas were carrying Alby while Corbyn was limping towards me.

I got up and they came out. They dropped Alby and they came running back over. "Did you see a Griever Thomas?" Chuck asked. "Yeah I saw one" he said.

"He didn't just see it. He killed it" Minho said. We were all surprised for a few moments. They took Alby to the cabin. I saw Corbyn. He collapsed onto me once he got out of there. We fell and he was on top of me. He put his head on my chest.

"Corby?" I asked. "I injured myself" he said and got off of me. I saw a few cuts on his arms and a few cuts on his knees. "WINSTON!" I yelled. He came running over with Jeff. They took Corbyn to the cabin and cleaned the blood up on his knees. They bandaged up with cuts.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as we walked out of the cabin. "In there" Winston said pointing to a little house. Its where we have our meetings. We ran in and saw Thomas sitting in the back while everyone was sitting down and Gally was talking to them. Winston and Jeff sat with the crowd while me and Corbyn were standing by a pole.

"Things are changing. Theres no denying that. First Ben gets stung in brought daylight and then Alby. And now our Greenie here, has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here" Gally said.

"Yeah. But he saved Albys life" Frypan said.

"Did he? For three years. We have coexisted with these things. And now you've killed one them. Who knows what that could mean for us?"

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