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These last few weeks have been a wreck. I haven't been in that great of a situation with Corbyn not being here.

Thomas was rubbing my back as I cried in his shoulder. "Shh. We'll get him back" He said. I calmed down. "You guys want to get them back?" Vince asked.

I looked at him and shook my head yes. "Alright. Let's go find him" he said. We went into a car and they started driving. I was in a car with Thomas and Vince.

Brenda, Jorge and Frypan were in the other one. We started our journey.


I have been in WICKED for a few weeks now and I hate it here.

They have been beating me once a week. Right now I have 2 bruises on my stomach and one on my cheek. No cuts which is good.

I miss Newt a lot. I miss all my other friends but I really miss Newt. I have been wearing a black shirt with black jeans. No rips. Anything.

And sometimes I wear a black hoodie and put my hood up. It hurts me to not see my boyfriend and my friends.

Right now. I'm in a room with my hands tied together. Teresa came in. She sat down. I growled at her.

"Calm down. I just need to ask you some questions" she said. I was looking at my hands so I wasnt looking at her.

"Corbyn" I looked up at her. "Why did you leave WICKED?" She asked not even looking like she cared about me. "I didnt leave. I was thrown in the box and sent into the Glade. You were too" I said.

"Are you mad at me?" "Pissed. You helped us. You were our friend and then you turn your back on us and betray us. You stabbed us in the back Teresa" I said. "I never thought I would say this but.... I hate you" I said.

"I never ever want to see you again" I said. "Now leave me alone" I said.

"Let me ask a few more questions" she said. "Let me ask you a question. Why? Why would you choose this dangerous place over the safe place you were in with us" I said. "This was my only option" she said.

"You had other options" I said sitting back. "Oh yeah. What was it? My two options were to help save you guys by trying to find a cure for the flare. Or.... not keeping you safe by not coming here and find a cure for the flare" "you didnt help us! You sent us into this hellhole!" I yelled.

"Corbyn! I care about you guys. I'm tryin-" "you dont give a damn about us!" I yelled. "You never did. You were sent into the Glade! So that you could help us get out of there just so we could be sent back to WICKED!" I yelled.

By this point. I was in my wolf form. "Corbyn. Corbyn dont" she said as I got up. I grabbed her shirt and pinned her to the table. I roared at her and the doors opened. The guards took me away. "You son a bitch!" I yelled.

She ran out and closed the door. I growled and they tased me. I fell to the floor and passed out.

*few months later*


We have been looking for 4 months. Brenda's hair is getting longer. My scar is fading. 'I hope Corbyns ok' I thought. 'I wonder what he looks like now' I thought.

We were driving and we stopped driving because it was night time. We were laying on the grass. I soon fell asleep.


We were driving to WICKED to get Minho and Corbyn back. We soon got there and we ran in. I saw the guards and I stood by the corner. I grabbed my gun and went around the corner. I started shooting them.

I ran down the hall and saw a place where there were kids. I let them all out. "Go outside. There will be a bus. Go onto the bus and stay quiet" I told the kids. They started running out.

I ran down the hall. I heard something from my wacky talky. "We've got Minho. Do you have Corbyn?" "No not yet" I said. "Well find him" I heard Jorge say.

"Well I'm sorry but this place is big" I said and continued running. I turned the corner and saw the guards taking someone. I hid behind the corner and looked. I saw Corbyn.

He saw me and his eyes widened. I put a finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet. I pulled my gun out and pointed it to one of the guards. I pulled the trigger and the guard fell lifeless.

Corbyn grabbed the guard and bit his neck. He threw him onto the floor and turned around. His eyes were red. He ran to me and grabbed my hand. We started running down the hall.

We saw the car and we got in. "Go!" I yelled. They started the car and started going. "Newt. Newt we have to go!"

I opened my eyes and saw them all getting in the cars. Thomas was shaking me. I got up and we got in the car. We started going.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now