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*next day*


I woke up to the sound of Thomas yelling at a bird. I kept my eyes closed because I was comfortable on Corbyn. "You awake?" Corbyn whispered in my ear. I cuddled up to him a little more.

"Guess not" Teresa said. I heard Corbyn laugh. 'His laugh is adorable' I thought. "Well. I think we should wake him up because we have to get going" Minho said. "Let him sleep for a few more minutes" Corbyn said.

"No. We need to go" Thomas said. "Ugh. Fine" he started shaking me lightly. "Love. It's time to get up" he whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at him.

He gave me a light smile. I got off of him and he got up. He helped me up and I heard a groan. I looked and saw Winston. I forgot that he was scratched by those Cranks. Frypan helped him up and we started walking. I looked around and saw how bad this place looked.

"Guys wait!" I heard Thomas yell from behind us. We looked at him. "Do you hear that?" He asked. We stopped moving and talking.

I heard helicopter wing things going off. "Hide!" He yelled. Corbyn grabbed my hand and we ran to a broken wall and hid under it. Corbyn held me close to him. The thing passed us.

"They are looking for us still?" I asked. Corbyn growled quietly. I kissed his cheek. He calmed down when I did the sudden touch.


I looked at him. The scar on his face made me sad. I touched it softly. We continued walking. I grabbed Newts hand and gripped it tightly.

I looked at him and saw the scar again. "Why cant I just peel it off like a sticker?" I asked. "No. You cant do that. That'll make it worse" Teresa said.

"Fine" I said. We continued walking. We climbed up some broken pieces of buildings. Winston was having trouble.

We went into the desert and climbed up a mountain. We made it to the top and saw big mountains that were so far away. It looked like there was fog in front of them. You could barely see them.

"Those mountains. That's got to be it" Thomas said pointing to the mountains that I just described!

"That's where we are going" Thomas said. "That's a long way off" Newt said. "Then we better get moving" Winston said.

Winston took a step forward and instantly collapsed onto the sand. "WINSTON!" We yelled running over. He was gasping for breath.

We took him to a broken bridge and he laid down on the sand. Teresa and Thomas went to a mountain.

Me and Newt cuddled near a rock. I kissed his cheek. Frypan, Minho and Aris were talking and they couldn't see us. Winston has just been looking at the sky.

I decided I wanted to do something real quick. I smirked and pecked Newts neck. He looked at me with a shocked look on his face. I pecked his lips.

Winston grabbed a gun and put it to his forehead. Newt got off of me and I ran over. I grabbed Winston's hand and made the gun point up. He pulled the trigger.

They all came running over. "What happened?" Teresa asked. "He just grabbed the gun and tried to shoot himself" I said.

Newt went behind me and I grabbed his hand. Frypan grabbed the gun and we all looked at him.

"Its growing" he said pulling his shirt up to show him turning into a Crank.

"I'm not gonna make it" he said. Newt cuddled up to me and gripped my shirt.

Winston reached his hand out to Frypan. "Please. Please. Dont let me turn into one of those things" he said. I put a hand over my mouth and felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

Newt let go of me and Winston put his arm down. Newt walked to Frypan and grabbed the gun. I was shocked. He walked to Winston. "Newt" I said.

He knelt down and grabbed Winston's hand. He put the gun in his hand and put his hand on Winston's chest. "Thank you. Now.... get out of here" Winston said.

"Goodbye Winston" Newt said in almost a whisper. He got up and grabbed his bag and walked away. Minho and Frypan grabbed theirs and looked at Winston one last time and then walked away.

Thomas and Teresa and Aris did the same thing. But when I grabbed my bag, I walked to Winston. "It was nice having a friend like you" I said. He gave me a light smile. "Thank you for being there. Thank you for being my friend. And thank you for helping me when I hurt myself" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. He chuckled.

"Thank you for everything" he said. I looked down and closed my eyes. I looked up at him. "Im so sorry" I said. "Its ok" he said. More tears rolled my cheeks. "Corbyn. Take care of them" he said. "I will" I said. "Goodbye Winston" I whispered. "Goodbye Corbyn" he whispered back.

I got up and walked away. Newt grabbed my hand and I held it. We started walking away. Then I heard a gun shot go off. We all stopped. I covered my mouth with my hand and silent tears rolled down my cheeks. I put my hand down and looked at Newt.

"Come here" he said holding his arms out. I cuddled up to him and cried in his neck. "Shh" he said rubbing my back. I soon calmed down and we kept going.

Newt gripped my hand tightly. And we continued our journey.

*time skip*

It soon got late and we were sitting on the sand. With a fire in front of us all. Me and Newt were cuddling. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Hewo I'm back. So uh... I was thinking about doing another one of these. Should I?

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