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*next day*


Everyone was here and I tried so hard to not put my hand on Newts stomach. He looked at me and smiled a little.

We were going to surprise them and I was so nervous. We were in the pool and Newt was sitting in a chair. Vince and Jorge were talking.

I got out of the pool and walked over. I kissed his head and rubbed his stomach. "Baby" he said. "Yeah?" He pointed to my hand. I moved it away quickly and pecked his lips.

"Can you come swim with us?" I asked kneeling in front of him. "Fine" I smiled and got up. I helped him up and he took his shirt off. We got in the pool.

He went up to me. "Can you notice my bump?" He whispered. "Nope. Not at all" I said. He smiled and pecked my lips. We continued swimming in the pool. Then we just sat in the chairs.

Molly was playing with Daniel and Thomas's dog. They got her last month. She is a golden retriever and her name is Daisy. Shes 1. Molly is like 2 or 3.

Newt was on my lap and we were all talking. "Guys. Picture time!" Jorge yelled. Daniel grabbed the phone and pointed it towards us. We got in our positions. "Alright. Ready" he said.


Corbyn smirked. Daniel shook his head yes. "Alright. 3... 2.... 1" "Newts pregnant" Corbyn said. They were all shocked.

"No way!" Brenda yelled. We laughed. "No you're not. Is this a joke?" Harriet asked. "Nope" "oh my god" they hugged me.

We celebrated for the pregnancy.

Molly and Daisy were swimming in the pool. I was cuddled up to Corbyn on the couch outside.

"HEY! DONT YOU THINK YOU GUYS CAN KEEP IT DOWN!" A lady yelled. My ears went down and Corbyn got up and went to the fence.

He said somethings to the lady but I couldnt quite hear what it was. I walked over and saw 2 ladies.

One looked like she was in her teen years and the other one looked like she was in her 70's. The teenager looked like a tomboy.

I grabbed Corbyns hand. The old lady was yelling at us. "What are we doing wrong?" I asked. "You guys need to keep it down" the lady said. "Ok. Grandma. Let's get going" the teenager said.

"No. They need to understand that they are not the only ones here. So they either keep it down or they dont do whatever they are doing" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok. So we are celebrating for my husband's pregnancy and we are not allowed to celebrate it" "wait he's pregnant" the teenager said.

"Yeah" Corbyn said. "I'm so happy for you guys" she said. "Dont be. These 2 are assholes" the lady said and walked away. "I'm so sorry about her. She has anger issues" "it's fine" I said.

"How pregnant are you?" "5 weeks" I said. "Oh wow" "yeah" I said. "Can I touch it?" "Of course" I walked out and she touched my belly.

I couldn't see Corbyn behind the fence. She pulled her hand away. "I can let you touch it when the babies kicking" I said. "I would love that" I smiled. "Bye....." "Joselyn" "Bye Joselyn" she smiled and walked away. I walked inside and went to the backyard.

Corbyn was standing next to the fence and he was leaning against the wall. He saw me and walked over. He grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. He shut the door and pinned me to it.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He pecked my lips. "Somebody jealous?" I asked. "Yes. Really jealous. You cant just allow another person to touch your stomach with me around" he said.

"I'm sorry" I said looking down. He lifted my head and we kissed. "Its ok. Just next time. If you're going to let someone touch your stomach. Make sure that I'm not around" he said. "Ok sir"

"How many times do I have to tell you. Dont call me that. You know it makes me blush" he said. "I know. And you look adorable when you blush so...." he smiled and looked down. "Let's go downstairs" I said. "Ok"

We went downstairs and went to the backyard. He sat in a chair and I sat on his lap. He rubbed my stomach.

I smiled at the thought of him being a father. 'Man. He would be a great father' I thought.

He kissed my cheek. "What's wrong love?" "Nothing why?" "You were staring at me" "um.... I was just thinking" "about what?" He asked.

"Just thinking about our future together. Having kids. You know. Starting a family. You would be a great father" I said.

"Awww. Thanks love. You would be a great mother" he said. I smiled and pecked his lips.

We continued celebrating.

*time skip*

Everyone left already and we were upstairs. Molly was going to sleep. Me and Corbyn were laying in bed. He put his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Night love" he said. "Night doggy" I said. I cuddled up to him and put my head in his chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now