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*few weeks later*


Newt still had the 4 scars on his face. They were fading but they were still red. Honestly.... he looked badass. "Yes baby?" I realized that I was staring at him.

"I just feel bad. Do those scars hurt?" I asked. "No" "how?" "Dont know"

I smiled and pecked his lips. "How do they look? Are they fading?" "Yeah but they are still red. I think it'll take like a month for them to go away" he sighed.

"But honestly. You look badass with them" he smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and pecked his lips. "Are they all comin over today?" He asked.

"Maybe" 'shit they are going to get mad at me' I thought. I took a deep breath and he got confused. "They are going to hate me for the scars" I told him.

"Shit they are" I rested my head on the back of the couch. "Just explain it to them and they'll understand" he said putting a hand on my knee. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand.

*time skip*

The doorbell rang. I walked over and opened the door. I saw Daniel, Zach, Jack and Jonah. They walked in. Then Galy, Thomas, Frypan and Minho came.

Brenda and Jorge came. Then Aris, Sonya, Vince and Harriet came. I shut the door. "Wheres Newt?" Thomas asked. "Um..." I got nervous. "Corbyn?" Vince asked. "U-upstairs" I stuttered. 'Shit I'm dead' I thought.

Thomas, Minho, Gally and Frypan went upstairs.

*20 seconds later*

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO NEWT!?" Thomas yelled from upstairs. My ears and tail went down. I whimpered. Daniel ran upstairs.

"CORBYN! WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Thomas yelled. I didnt answer.

"CORBYN MATTHEW BESSON! GET YOUR ASS UPSTAIRS!" Daniel yelled. I walked upstairs and I walked into the bedroom. "Corbyn. What the hell!?" Minho yelled.

I whimpered. "Guys. It was an accident. He didnt mean to do it" Newt said. I smiled at him. They sighed. "It was the full moon. Daniel you know what it's like on the full moon. You cant control yourself" Newt said. I smiled at him.

"Hes right. We can't control ourselves on a full moon" He said. I smiled at him. "Let's just not hang out tonight. We'll hang out tomorrow night when everyone's calmed down" Gally said. I sighed.

We walked downstairs. Everyone gasped when they saw the scars. "Guys. It was a full moon. He couldnt control himself" Newt said. "We're hanging out with them tomorrow" Daniel said.

*time skip*

We were upstairs. We were about to fall asleep. "So your full name is. Corbyn Matthew Besson?" He asked. "Mhm" "hm cute" he said.

I put a hand on his cheek and pecked his lips. I cuddled up to him and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

*1 month later*


The scars are gone. I'm still not a wolf. I'm not going to pressure Corbyn about it. I'm going to wait until hes ready to turn me.

Tonight everyone's coming to the house. Well the people who normally come to the house. They are coming at 4.

We were laying on the couch and Corbyn had his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest. "I have a song for you tonight" he told me. I smiled at him. "I'm excited to hear it" he smiled a little and I pecked his lips. I laid my head on hs chest again.

*time skip*

Everyone was here. We were just hanging out today. Gally, Minho and Frypan were at the island and they were talking.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now