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*next day*


I woke up the next day happy and excited. We are going home today. I got up and got ready. I kissed Newts forehead and walked out. 

It was dawn so nobody was awake. Birds were chirping and the waves were hitting the shore softly. The sand was soft.

I walked down the sand and sat on the rock. My ears went down when I looked at the rock. 'I'm gonna have to do something in my backyard for this' I thought. My ears went up and I looked at the water.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked and saw Newt smiling at me. I smiled back and we kissed. "I'm excited to go home" he said. I smiled and pecked his lips. "Me too" I said.

People started walking out of their cabins. We ate breakfast and started getting our clothes together. We're leaving right after lunch.

I looked and saw Newt behind me. He smiled a little and pecked my lips. We finished getting our stuff together and we walked out. We put our bags outside of the cabin.

We walked over to the campfire and sat on the logs. Gally, Thomas, Jorge, Brenda and Aris walked over. "I'm not gonna lie. I am excited to go home. But I am going to miss this place" I said. "Yeah" Gally said. "And you guys. Everything we went through together. It's just like. I'm not ready to leave" I added.

"Yeah. But we can live close together" Jorge said. "True" I said. I grabbed Newts hand and he smiled at me. We started talking and then it was lunch time. We ate lunch.

I grabbed Newts hand and got upset. "I'm excited to get home but I'm gonna miss this place" I said. "Yeah same" he said. "Wait. I forgot something" I said. "Corbyn. Leave it. We have to go" Vince said. Everyone was on the boat.

I ran to the cabin. "Corbyn!" Newt yelled. I grabbed my guitar and ran out. "Oh. Forgot" Newt said. We laughed. We got on the boat and we all looked at the place before leaving. I sat down when we started going. My eyes widened.

I looked through my bag and found what I was looking for. The figurine Chuck made me. "I left mine" he said. "I lost it and couldnt find it" "I'm sorry" I said and put mine in the bag. I zipped it up and cuddled up to Newt.

*time skip*

We made to shore. We got off of the boat and got in a car. We drove through the streets. It looked amazing. We made it to a house. Me and Newt are living here. It's a nice modern house. Newt smiled.

I grabbed his hand. "I guess we are all living close together" Brenda said looking at us. "What?" I asked. "We are all living on the same street" Jorge said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah" Brenda said. I smiled.

We got out of the car and grabbed our bags. We waved when they drove away. We walked into the house. It looked amazing. We took our shoes off and put our bags down. Newt shut the door and locked it. I touched the walls while walking by them.

Newt was looking upstairs. The house was empty. Nothing was in here besides walls and windows and floors and ceilings and doors. Obviously the kitchen stuff that came with the house was here.

"We can finally cook" he said walking over. "It feels so weird to be here" I said. Then I heard silence come from Newt.

I looked at him and his eyes were wide. I looked at what he was looking at. I saw.....

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