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*few months later*


I am a disaster. I hate this. I became depressed. I have been in WICKED for months. They beat me once a day.

We were going on a train today but I was in my cell still. The guard came in and I was ready for my daily beating.

But instead. He just grabbed my arm and took me away. I could see what I looked like in the glass.

I had a bruise on my forehead, my cheek and my eye. I had a few small cuts on my neck, my face and my shoulders. They ripped my shirt a lot. To the point that it doesnt even look like a shirt anymore.

I had a cut from my forehead all the way down to my lip. I looked horrible. I have cuts and bruises on my body. This sucks.

We were going to the train. But before I went in.

He hit me in the face with a gun. I fell to the ground and whimpered. He took me into the train. He put me in a chair behind Aris. He chained me up more than the other people. He chained my arms together. My legs together. Like.... what the hell did I do to you?

The other people only had chains on their wrists. We started going and I just wanted to pass out. But I couldn't.

*few hours later*

Few hours have passed and I heard a car go by the train. 'What the?' I thought.

I heard gun shots outside. And the car noise stopped. And the gun shots. 'What the hell is happening right now?' I thought.

I heard footsteps above us. I heard more gun shots outside. I heard a bomb go off.

The train stopped and I heard banging on the train walls. "Guys! Are you in there?!" I heard Thomas.

Everyone started yelling. I heard footsteps above us and gun shots. "NEWT GO!" I heard Vince. 'Newt?' I thought. I heard a plane above us.

I laid my head against the back of the seat. Then I felt us being lifted. After a few hours. It went back down.

Then there was a spark at the door. I smiled when the door opened. I saw Thomas and Harriet walk in. Thomas smiled a little at me and walked past me. Harriet hugged the one girl and Aris.

I didnt see Newt but I assumed he was waiting outside.

They let us all out and I couldn't get up. "Corbyn. What are you doing. Come on" Thomas said. "Yeah. I have a bit of a problem" I said. My voice was breaking because they punched my throat.

"Oh" Thomas said realizing my legs. He broke it off and I got up. We walked out and I saw Newt. I ran to him and hugged him. "Oh thank god you're ok" He said looking at me.

He changed. His hair is longer. And his scar is fading. He looks so cute though. "Corbyn? Are you going to speak?" "My voice is breaking. I didnt know if you would like to hear that" I said.

His eyes widened. "God what happened to you?" He asked looking at my bruises and my scars. "They beat me every day. Once a day. They locked me up. Because I was a wolf. They said that I could only eat a meal a day. I barely ate and they soon noticed. So they stopped giving me food. And then they punched my throat so that's why it sounds like I'm losing my voice" I explained.

He kissed me and I kissed back. He jumped and put his legs around my waist and put his arms around my neck. We were still kissing when he made those movements.

We pulled away. "Man I missed you" I said. He smiled and pecked my lips. "Alright love birds. Let's go" Thomas said. I put him down and kissed his cheek.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now