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*few months later*


Daniel and Thomas are married. Zach and Jack are getting married soon and Jonah is going to propose to Tate.

Me and Newt were going to the tattoo place cause I'm getting a tattoo. We parked and walked in.

We saw a man sitting at a desk. "Coming to get another tattoo Besson?" He asked. "Mhm" I showed him what I wanted.

Newt sat in a chair near the door and I sat in the chair you sit in to get your tattoo.

*time skip*

He finished. It looked really good. "Thanks man" I said. He put a bandage over it because it bleeds when you get them. I got up and walked out to the door. We walked to the car and got in. "Does it hurt?" He asked. "Yep" I said. He started driving.

*time skip*

We got home and we walked in. We sat on the couch and started watching IT. Newt hates scary movies. When there was a scary part, he cuddled up to me and put his head in my chest. I chuckled and rubbed his back.

*time skip*

It was time for me to take the bandage off. I ran upstairs and took it off. It wasnt bleeding anymore. It looked amazing. I put the bandage in the trash can. This is what I got.

I ran downstairs and sat next to Newt

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I ran downstairs and sat next to Newt. "Can I see it?" He asked. "Yep" I showed him. "Wow. It's really good" he said. "I know" I said. "What's the meaning?" He asked. "Well one of these things are for my sign. Sagittarius. And I really like space so" "hm"

I pulled my arm away and he cuddled up to me. I put my arms around him and kissed his head. Tomorrow is Thomas's birthday. And I have a perfect idea for a present.

*time skip*

We were upstairs and we were laying in bed. I had my arms around him and he was cuddled up to me. "Night love" I said. "Night doggy" he said. I kissed his head and laid my head on the pillow. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*next day*

I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Newt. "Morning" he said. "What time is it?" I asked. "Its 9" "did you already get ready?" I asked. "Yep"

I kissed his cheek and he pecked my lips. He left the room and went downstairs after shutting the door.

I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it. I got ready and took a shower.

*time skip*

I got out of the shower and got ready. I ran my hand through my hair and brushed my teeth. I went downstairs and saw him making breakfast.

I walked over and put my arms around him. He was making pancakes and bacon. He looked at me and pecked my lips.

He continued making the pancakes. He flipped it and I saw blueberries in the one he was making. I kissed his shoulder and gripped his shirt.

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