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*1 month later*


I was in the cabin singing a song. It's called Story Of My Life and it's for Newt. (A/n: just imagine it's only his voice. Not 4 or 5 different voices)

The door opened and I saw Daniel. I put my guitar down.

"Is that for Newt?" He asked. I shook my head yes. I started fixing the lyrics. He smiled and walked over. Then someone came in. I didnt recognize her. "She was here the whole time. Her names Tate"

"I'm Corbyn" I said. She gave me a light smile. Newt walked in. I got up and pecked his lips. Daniel and Tate left.

I closed the door and kissed him. He kissed back. I saw the paper pad thing. "What's that?" He asked. I grabbed it and grabbed my guitar. "Nothing" I said hiding the pad thing behind my back.

"Babe?" He asked. "Its nothing really" I said. He crossed his arms. "Are you cheating?" He asked. "No" I said.

"Then let me see what it is" he said. "No" I said. "Babe" he said. "I cant let you see it" I said. He looked mad. I looked down. My ears and tail went down and I whimpered.

He walked over and lifted my head. He kissed me and I kissed back. My ears and tail went up. We went to the wall while kissing. I dropped the pad thing and my guitar and put my arms around him.

We pulled away slowly. He looked at the paper pad. I grabbed it and put it behind my back. "What is it?" He asked. "I cant tell you" I said. "Baby please" he said.

"I cant" I said. He looked down and sighed. He put his arms around my back and tried to grab the paper pad. I growled at him. He backed up scared.

"Babe. I'm sorry" I dropped the pad and ran to him. I hugged him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to" I said. "Its ok" he said in my neck while he put his arms around me. "I'll leave so you can continue on whatever you were doing" he said. I kissed his temple. "I'll be out once I'm done ok" I said.

"Ok" he smiled and pecked my lips. He left the cabin and shut the door. I grabbed my guitar and my paper pad. I sat on the barrel and put the pad on the bed.

I started singing it and once I got what I wanted. I stopped and put the pad and the guitar under the bed. I walked out and saw Newt talking to Daniel and Jonah.

I walked over and sat next to Newt. I kissed his cheek. We started talking.

*time skip*


It was late and we were celebrating for Tate. I was talking to her and she seemed nice. "So how long have you been here for?" I asked. "A few years. I was in the other alphas territory. I was his pet. And then I finally made it out of there and came here" she said. "My friends are still in there" she added.

"What happened to your friends? The ones you had before you got here" she said. "Well some of them died getting us this far. One of them was named Alby. He was nice. He died saving our lives" I started.

"One was Winston. He died by suicide. He was turning into a Crank and he didnt want to turn into one of them"

"One was Teresa. She knew she wasnt going to make it. So she died at the end of all of this. And Chuck. He was a little boy who didnt deserve to die. He was shot" I explained.

"And the rest of my friends I knew before all of this. I dont remember them. Because when we went up in a box to go into the Glade. You lose all your memories. You dont even remember your voice or your name. Nothing" I explained.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now