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*1 month later*


I was with Tate and she looked exhausted. "Babe. You look tired. Wanna go get some rest?" I asked. "No it's fine"  "Ok" I sat next to her on the couch.

*time skip*

The timer went off for the mac and cheese. I walked over and turned the timer off. I got the strainer and poured the mac and cheese into it.

I coughed in my arm when the steam hit me in the face. It was so freaking hot when it hit me. I started shaking the strainer to get all of the water out.

I put the noodles (a/n: literally put noodies on accident) into the pot and put it on the stove. I put the milk in the pot and then put the butter on. I mixed it up. I put the cheese stuff in the started mixing it.

I put the mac and cheese into the bowls and turned to see Tate sleeping. I smiled and walked over. I put the bowls down. I laid her down and grabbed a light blanket. I put it over her body to keep her warm.

I sat next to her and put her head onto my lap.

*time skip*


I woke up to the smell of mac and cheese, to the sound of the TV playing and to the feeling of my head on Jonahs lap. He was playing with my hair.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked at him. He gave me a light smile and moved my hair out of my face.

"I knew you were tired" I chuckled and looked at the TV. "I smell mac and cheese" I said. "I made some. You slept for an hour so I put the mac and cheese in the pot and put the cover on it so it wouldnt be cold" he told me.

"Thanks baby" I said. He smiled at the name. I sat up and he walked to the kitchen. I put my hair up in a messy bun.

He walked over with 2 bowls of mac and cheese. He gave the blue bowl to me and we ate the mac and cheese while watching TV.

*time skip*


Its dinner time and Jack was at the store getting some things for the weekend.

I wanted to do something special for him because he's stressed because of work.

The boss is a bitch and is always yelling at him when he does something wrong. I sighed and smiled once I thought of a good idea.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the steaks from the fridge. I went outside and turned the grill on. I opened the steaks and put them on a plate.

I walked outside with the plate and started making the steaks. Steaks his favorite thing to eat for dinner. So I thought it would be special.

I covered them and ran inside. I grabbed the plates, the cups, the silverware, the napkins and ran outside. I grabbed the white cloth for the table and put it over the table.

I put the plates on the same side so we would be sitting next to each other. We live a little bit away from the others so it takes longer for us to get there.

We have a table near the edge of the backyard. We have a nice view of the ocean. I put the napkins down and the silverware down. I put the cups down and ran back to the steaks.

I checked them with the meat thermometer. (A/n: my brother makes steaks so I know how he knows it's done and stuff)

Still not done. I ran inside after putting the cover over it. I grabbed the wine and walked outside. I put the wine in the middle of the table. I ran to the grill.

Steaks were done. I grabbed a plate that's made for steaks and put the steaks on them. I walked to the table and put the plate down.

I walked to the grill and turned it off. I put the cover down and walked to the table. I put the steaks on the plates and walked inside.

I made mashed potatoes and asparagus. I put parmesan cheese over it and cooked them. I grabbed the mashed potatoes and put them in the bowl.

I walked outside and put it next to the wine. I walked inside and the asparagus is almost done. I started to wash the dishes.

The asparagus then was finished. I turned the oven off and put the asparagus in a bowl and walked outside. I put them next to the wine. I walked inside and washed the dishes.

I sat on the couch and waited for Jack to get home.


I walked to the door and unlocked it. I only had 3 or 4 maybe 5 bags in my hands. I opened the door and walked in. "Hey babe" Zach said getting up.

He walked to me and helped me with the bags. "Hey love" I said. We walked to the kitchen and put the stuff away. I pecked his lips.

"So babe" he started. "Yes" I said looking at him. "I uh... I did something" "what did you do this time?" I asked.

"Its nothing bad. Um. But I heard that you were stressed because of your boss. And I knew you were stressed today so I did something when you went to the store" I got confused. "Come with me" he said and grabbed my hand. "Close your eyes" I closed my eyes and covered them with a hand.

We walked to somewhere. I don't know where. He opened a door and we walked through the doorway.

We continued walking when he closed the door. I smelled fresh air and I heard the waves hitting the shore from the ocean. "Are we outside?" I asked. "Yep" he responded.

We continued walking and then we came to a stop. "Ok. Open" I opened my eyes and saw something so cute.

The table that's near the edge so we can see the ocean. I saw steak, wine, asparagus and potatoes on the table. "Aww baby" I said.

He smiled a little and we kissed. We pulled away. "This is beautiful. You did this all yourself?" I asked.

"Yeah. While you were gone. I did this" I smiled and pecked his lips. "This is amazing. Thank you love" I said when we put our foreheads together. "Your welcome babe"

We walked to the table and sat down. We put potatoes and asparagus on the plates. We put wine in the cups and I put the wine on the ground. We started eating dinner.

*time skip*

We were upstairs cuddling and I had my head on his chest.

"Thanks for today love" I said looking at him. "Your welcome babe" he said playing with my hair. I smiled and cuddled up to him.

I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

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