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*9 months later*


Daniel gave birth to a baby boy. His name is Tyler. Zach is pregnant again. Tate is pregnant. I am still not pregnant.

Me and Corbyn were sitting on the couch. "Baby" Corbyn said. "Yeah?" I asked looking at him. "When can I get you pregnant?" "Um...." "I want kids" he said. I blushed like crazy.

"Baby" he said. "I-I dont know" I stuttered. He sighed and laid his head on my chest. "I-I dont want you to get pregnant" I said.

"Baby I know I just.... I know it's scary to think about. But.... I want kids someday" he said. "I hope you understand why" he added. "I-I do" I said.

*time skip*

We were sitting out in the pergola and we were sitting on the bench. We were eating dinner. His hand went onto my leg.

I blushed and looked away. He started rubbing it a little with his thumb. I blushed like crazy. "Babe. What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing" I said. We heard yelling coming from the street.

I got up and ran inside with Corbyn. We ran outside and saw 2 old people yelling at a man. "Get the hell away from my house and my dog!" The lady yelled.

I chuckled. The man saw me. "This is what's killing people is that you're laughing!" I looked at Corbyn. "You should die!" The lady yelled at me. The man walked away with his dog.

"What did I do wrong?" I asked. They went inside. "Ok then" I said. Corbyn grabbed my hand and we went to the backyard. "Ok. So these people are our neighbors?" I asked sitting on the bench. Corbyn sat next to me.

He put his arm around my waist. We continued eating. "Wanna go on a walk after dinner?" He asked. "Sure. Where?" "The woods?" He asked. "Sure" I said and we continued eating.

*time skip*

We were walking through the woods and saw a lady walking her dog. It looked adorable. I grabbed Corbyns hand and we continued walking.

"Holy shit!" She yelled. We looked at her confused. "What?" Corbyn asked. "Holy shit. Run Molly" her dog ran away. "What? Your dog!" I yelled. "Dont you step any closer" she said.

"You should go get the dog" Corbyn whispered. I was about to run after her. "No! Dont you dare!" She yelled. "Your dog is running away! Are you ok with that?!" Corbyn yelled. "Go get her" I ran after the dog.

I soon found her shaking near a rock. "Hey Molly" I said. She saw me and her tail started wagging. "Come here Molly" I said.

She ran to me and I started petting her. "Hey. It's ok" I said. "What the hell did I do?!" Corbyn yelled. "Come on Molly" I said while backing up. She ran to me and jumped into my arms.

I walked out and held her so she wouldnt run away. "I'm calling the cops!" She yelled. "What did we do?" I asked.

"You guys are harassing me" she said backing up. "We did nothing" I said. "Molly. Come here" she said. I put her down and she backed up to me.

"Molly! Come here!" She yelled. She whimpered and stood up and put her paws on me. I knelt down in front of her and she got close to me.

She called the police. "These men are harassing me. There's one who's going to take my dog and one that is threatening to kill me" she said.

She hung up. "WE DID NOTHING!" Corbyn yelled. I walked to Corbyn and Molly followed me. I knelt down in front of me and started petting me. Her tail started wagging and started panting.

*time skip*

The police came and I looked at them. "Baby. I'm-" "I know. Just we'll explain what just happened" he said. Molly licked my face. Then the police came over. "Give her her dog back" the man said.

"Ok. Go Molly" I said getting up. Molly whimpered. I walked away and Molly ran to me. She put her paws on me and I knelt down. "Ma'am. I think that your dog is scared of you and trusts this man. So your dog won't come back to you" "no! They are harassing me!" She yelled.

"We did nothing wrong!" I yelled. "You're threatening to hurt me!" She yelled. "We were just walking down here for a late walk. And then she sees us and gets scared of us. And tells her dog to run away. My husband had to run after her and then she yells at me and says that I am harassing her and threatening to kill her. Even though I wont" Corbyn explained.

"And then she tries to get her dog back but shes too scared of her and calls you guys. We did nothing" Corbyn added.

"Alright ma'am. Take your dog. And go home. And dont call us for something that didnt happen" the officer said. I picked Molly up and brought her to the lady. I put her down and walked to Corbyn.

Molly ran to me. "You have to go home" I said kneeling down in front of her. "Do you know what! Keep her! I dont care!" She yelled and walked away. Molly licked my face.

"I guess you can take her home" The officer said. "Bye officer" Corbyn said waving a little. He walked away after waving. We started walking home and Molly followed us.

We walked inside and Molly ran to the couch. She sat on the couch and I chuckled. I walked to her and sat next to her. She laid her head on my lap and I started petting her. "Love. I have a good idea. What if I turn into my wolf form and play with her" he said. "That's a good idea" I said.

He smiled and turned. Molly saw him and her tail started wagging. She ran to him and they started playing.

*time skip*

Molly was sleeping on the couch and we were upstairs. We got ready and we laid down. He put his arms around my waist and kissed my head. We left the door open in case if Molly wanted to come up here.

I cuddled up to him and I heard Molly run in. She laid on the bed and laid on the edge of the bed. I smiled and looked at Corbyn. He smiled a little. I put my head in his chest and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now