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*few months later*


Corbyn was outside doing something but I dont know what. I was laying in bed until I heard a loud whine come from Corbyn. I got up and got ready. I ran out and saw him playing with Daniel.

He looked so adorable. Daniel pinned him to the ground and I got jealous. Like super jealous. To the point where I wanted to run over there and fight Daniel but I knew that I would lose.

Corbyn pushed him off and got up. He saw me and gave me a light smile. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Trying to see who the next alpha is" I said. Daniel ran over. "Corbyn watch out!" I yelled.

He turned and Daniel ran into him. Corbyn dragged his feet against the grass and stopped before he could fall. He threw Daniel and he fell on top of Thomas. They were so close to kissing. "That's cute" I said walking over. Daniel pecked his lips and they got up. "Fine. You win" he said.

Corbyn smiled and everyone got back to work. We got in a cabin that nobody really goes to. Corbyn locked the door and we kissed. I jumped and put my legs around his waist and put my arms around his neck. He moved his hands down a little.

I pulled away a little. "What?" He asked. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked. "Um" he said. I shrugged and kissed him. He moved his hands down more. My eyes widened when I felt his hands go onto my um... ass.

I blushed but continued kissing him. *time skip* So we made out again. And this time he uh.... gave me 2 hickeys on my neck. I blushed when he made them. "I'll be back" he said. He went to a cabin and came back with one of his hoodies. "Oo. Yay" I said and put it on. It smelled amazing. He pecked my lips.

"I'm sorry about the hickeys" he said. His eyes then went wide. "What?" I asked. "Um... nothing" he said and left the cabin. I walked to the door but he pushed me back in. "Put this on" he said. "What why?" He asked. "I accidentally scratched you" he said. "Ok" I said.

He put it on the scratch. We walked out. "Woah. What happened?" Frypan asked. "We were in that cabin and he got scratched by something and soon got cold so I gave him my hoodie" "yeah and I like the smell of it so I'm keeping it on" I said.

"Ok?" He said in a question. I went into the cabin. "Wait? Why is there a mark on your cheek Corbyn?" Thomas asked. "I dont know" he said.

"Dude. He marked someone. And I bet it was Newt because you two probably made out in there. You gave him hickeys so that's why hes wearing a hoodie and you marked him and didnt tell him. And he didnt actually scratch himself" Daniel said.

My eyes widened. I took the bandage off and there was no blood. I touched my cheek. No scar. "Thomas!" I yelled. He came in. He locked the door and pulled the blinds down.

He looked at me and his eyes widened. "He marked you!" He yelled. "Shit" Corbyn yelled. "W-what? How?" I asked. Corbyn knocked on the door. "Newt! Let me explain" Corbyn said. "No!" Thomas yelled and walked over. "What do we do?" I asked. "I dont know. Keep it covered up. Wait until those hickeys go away and once people find out about the mark. Uncover it"  

"Love please" he said. "No!" Thomas yelled looking at the door. I jumped. "Please love. Open the door. I need to explain" he said. I walked over and unlocked it.

He came in and kissed my forehead. "How did you mark him?!" Thomas yelled. He closed the door. "I dont know how. I cant mark humans" he said. "What does this mean though? That he cant be taken" Thomas asked. "Yes but I can unmark it but it'll hurt like hell. And.... it means I'm his alpha" he said. My eyes widened. "What do you mean by that? Like... you are my leader and you'll boss me around and hurt me like you hurt your pack members?" I asked.

"Please dont be mad. It was a mistake" he said. "Can you please undo it!" Thomas yelled. "You dont get to tell me what to do! I can unmark him if he tells me to" Corbyn said.

"No. It's fine" I said. "Are you sure?" He asked.


I was looking in his eyes. "Tommy go" I said. "What why?" "I'm taking it off" I said. "Ok" he left the cabin. "This is gonna hurt. A lot" I said. "No. Babe. Please" he pushed me and backed up to the wall. I walked to him. "I have to" I said.

"No. Please" he said. I grabbed his arm and was about to bite it until he kicked me in a spot where the sun doesnt shine. I fell to the floor and held the spot.

Newt looked at me and I whined. It hurt so bad. I looked at him and he got nervous. "Please. I dont want you to wear that forever. I want to get rid of it. I didnt... mean to do it. It was an accident" I said. I whined from the pain. Newt left after he put the bandage on.

I whined in pain. I crawled to the bed and got on it. 'God. It hurts so bad!' I thought. I looked back and the door was closed and the blinds were down. I heard people walking past the door. I whined in pain.

"What the hell?" I heard Frypan ask. The door opened. "What the hell happened Corbyn?" Frypan asked. "Newt. I was going to take the mark off and he.... kicked me in a spot" I said. "Dude. What do we do?" Daniel asked. "Dont do anything. I need Newt" I said. "Ok" they left the cabin.

"No! I cant go back in there!" Newt yelled. They pushed him into the cabin and shut the door. They locked it from the outside. He turned and backed up to the door.

He was scared. "Babe. I cant hurt you. You kicked me in a spot and it hurts like hell" I said. He came over and put his hand on the back of my head. I calmed down and the pain went away after a few minutes. I didnt tell Newt and I wanted to act like I was still hurt.

I turned around. "Holy shit. Why did you have to kick it so hard?" I asked. "Sorry. Had to defend myself" he said. I smiled a little. "I'm sorry Newt" "no it's fine" he said. "No I mean. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do" I said. "Wait what?" He asked.

My wolf teeth came out and my eyes turned red. I grabbed his arm and bit it. He yelled in pain and fell on the floor. "Corbyn! It hurts! S-stop!" He yelled. My ears went down.

*time skip*

I stopped and he pulled it away. "Corbyn what the hell?!" He yelled and looked at me. I sat up and cleaned the blood off of my face. He got up and backed up as I walked to him. "Newt calm down" I said.

"Get away from me" he said and grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it. But it wouldnt open. I played with his hair. I grabbed his hand and turned him around. "No. Let me go!" He yelled and tried to get out of my grip. "Shh. Shh" I said and hugged him. I rubbed his head and he cried in my chest.

"It hurt. Why didnt you stop?" He asked. "Because. I wanted to remove the mark" "but I wanted the mark" he said. "I know. But maybe when I turn you. I can mark you" I said and kissed his head. "O-ok" he stuttered. I cleaned the blood up and put a bandage over it.

We got ready and laid down in bed. I put my arms around him and hid my face in his chest. He rubbed my back and kissed my head. "Night babe" he said. "Night darling" I said and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

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