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*4 years later*


Kyle is now 11 and Julie is 6. I am going on tour today and it's in LA so I get to see my family. If they go I can.

Right now, I'm back stage and I'm nervous. This is the first concert my kids are going to see.

Then it was time for us to go up. We went up and I saw the kids. We started singing.

*time skip*

We were doing the stuff after the meet & greets. Thomas and his kids were with Daniel. Tate and her kids were with Jonah. Zach and Jack's kids were with them. I was waiting for Newt and the kids.

I was talking to some girls that were fans. Then I saw Newt and the kids come in. I smiled and ran over. I pecked Newts lips and picked Julie up.

"Daddy that was amazing" Julie said. I smiled and we went to the couches. We sat down and I started talking to Newt. Kyle was sitting next to Newt and Julie was next to me. Her head was resting on my lap and I was rubbing her head.

I saw fans and they were jealous. "What?" He asked. "Fans are getting jelly" I said. He chuckled. "Well it's not your fault" he said.

"True" I said. We continued talking. Kyle and Julie and the other kids were playing and running.

Newt put his legs on my lap and I grabbed his hand. "So which part was your favorite?" I asked. "When you winked at me" he said. "Oh yeah. I did do that"

He chuckled and I pecked his lips. I saw fans rolling their eyes at us. "Ok these fans are annoying" he chuckled.

"Look. Let them have their time" a girl said. "Well they have all the time in the world together. I just wanted to say something to Corbyn" the other girl said.

"I'll be back" I got up and pecked his lips. I walked to the girls. I crossed my arms. "You do know that I have wolf ears right and I can hear you perfectly" "sorry Corbyn" she said.

"I know that I have all the time in the world with him but it's my husband. I want to spend at least some time with him here" she looked down.

She walked away. "Sorry about her. She just thinks shes perfect and she gets everything she wants" the girl said. "Its fine" I said. She walked away.

I walked to Newt and sat next to him. I pecked his lips. "Corbyn!" Randy yelled. I walked over. "Whats wrong?" I asked. "I heard that there was a girl crying outside because she didnt get to talk to you" he said.

I ran out and saw the girl crying. I walked over and sat next to her. I rubbed her back. "I'm sorry" I said.

"No it's fine. I'm just selfish" she said. "I know what can make you feel better" I said. "What?" "A picture" he said. She wiped her tears away and took her phone out.

We took a picture and then she put her phone away. She looked at me and kissed me. I pushed her away. "I have a husband!" I yelled.

She rolled her eyes. "If you're going to act like this then I'm never going to talk to you-" she kissed me again. I tried to push her off.

Then I heard a gasp. I pushed her off and saw Newt. "Newt please" I said. He ran inside. I ran after him. He ran down a hallway and I caught up to him. I put my arms around his waist.

"Love let me explain" I said. "Theres nothing you need to explain!" He yelled. "Babe-" "dont babe me" he said. I turned him around and pinned him to the wall. I kissed him and he tried to push me off.

I pulled away slowly. "Baby. Please. She kissed me. She was crying and I was trying to calm her down and she kissed me. Twice. I pushed her off the first time and tried to push her off the second time but I couldnt. She wouldnt let me" I explained.

He sighed and looked down. "You dont have to believe me. Just.... whatever you think about what you saw isnt true. I love you and only you. Theres no way I could love anyone else like the way I love you" he looked at me and kissed me. I kissed back and put my arms around his waist.

He put his arms around my neck and after about 3 seconds, we pulled away slowly. "I'm sorry for thinking that you cheated" he said. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Let's go back" I said. We walked back and sat with the kids. The girl that kissed me walked in and saw me.

I looked at Newt and we started talking.

*time skip*

We were the house and the kids were upstairs in their rooms. Me and Newt were downstairs talking.

The kids came down and sat on the couch with us. "Mom can we see your wolf form?" Kyle asked.

"I'll show mine first since Julie hasn't seen it yet" I said. He smiled and I got up. I turned and Julie got up. She started petting me and I licked her hand.

*time skip*

I was upstairs changing because I turned human. I went downstairs and sat next to Newt.

Newt sighed and got up. He turned into his wolf form. I was shocked. He was a tan wolf and his face was black. He had blue eyes.

I smiled and we all got up. We started petting him and Molly came over.


I was panting and my tail was wagging. Molly ran over and she barked and got down like she wanted to play.

We started running around the house. We ran upstairs and we went into mine and Corbyns room.

She ran down the stairs and I jumped over the railing. I landed on the floor and we continued running. Corbyn smiled at me.

Molly got on the island and barked. I got on it and she got down. We ran outside and it was late at night and I saw the moon.

I saw the kids and Corbyn come out. He smiled at me.

I walked to the edge and got on the rock. I howled and heard other howls from the street. Corbyn turned and ran over. He howled with me.

We heard the kids howl and Molly howled.

*time skip*

We were upstairs and I was in my wolf form. I had my head on Corbyns lap. He started petting me and I licked his hand.

"I love you puppy" I got up and licked his face. He smiled a little and kissed my nose.

He nuzzled my nose and smiled. I licked his chin. I laid down and put my head on his chest. "Night puppy" he said.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now