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*2 weeks later*


Todays the day that we get a new arrival. I'm excited to see who it is. Me and Ben were running until we realized we had to go back. We ran back to the doors. We ran out and saw a guy with a blue worn out shirt on and brown hair.

He was talking to Chuck. They looked at us and we continued jogging. "Hey Chuck. New Greenie huh? How does it feel to be promoted?" Ben asked as we jogged. "Feels great Ben" he said. I walked over and put my arm around Chucks shoulder. Greenie got confused.

"2 questions" he started. "1. Why are you a wolf?" He asked. "I was born like this" I told him. "Oh and 2.. I thought no-one was allowed to leave" he said.

"We're not allowed to leave. They are runners. They know more about the maze than any of us" he said. "Wait what?" Greenie asked. "What?" Chuck asked. "You just said maze" He said. "I did?" Chuck asked. I moved my arm away from Chuck.

Greenie walked to the doors. We followed him. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I just want to take a look" he said. "You cant. Only runners can go in there" Chuck said. I saw Newt staring at us. "Just one look" he said. He started walking into the maze but Gally walked over. "Hey!" He yelled and pushed Greenie to the ground.

"Get off me" he said pushing Gally. "Alright. Calm calm calm" Gally said. "Dont touch me!" He yelled. Everyone came running over. "Just relax" I said. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?" He asked. "Just calm down alright" Newt said. I smiled at Newts accent but then looked at Greenie.

"No. Why wont you tell me what's out there?" He asked. "Just trying to protect you man" Alby started. "Its for your own good" he said. "You guys cant just keep me here" Greenie said. "We cant let you leave" Newt said. "Why not?" Greenie asked.

Then we heard the maze making a noise. We all looked at it. Strong air came running through the maze. "What the hell?" Greenie whispered. The doors made a noise and started closing. Then they fully closed and all you saw was gray walls.

"Next time. I'm gonna let you leave" Gally said and I growled at him. They all stared at me. Newt ran over and grabbed my arm. "Calm down" he said. I calmed down and looked at Newt. Everyone walked away from the doors. Greenie, me and Newt stayed.

"How long have you guys been here for?" He asked. "I've been here for 3 years. Corbyns been here for about a month maybe" Newt said. I grabbed his shirt and dragged him to the cabin. Greenie was walking towards us. I let go of Newt and closed the door.

I sat on the bed. Newt sat next to me and rubbed my back. "Hey. What's wrong?" He asked. "Gally. Hes an asshole. I just want to send him into the maze" I said. "I know but... it's going to be fine" he said.

Greenie walked in. We looked at him. "Sorry" he said and shut the door. I laid on the bed and Newt laid down next to me. He put his arms around me and I turned around. I hid my head in his neck and he rubbed my back. The door opened. "Ew" I heard Gally. "Go away Gally" Newt said.


I was mad at Gally for what he said to the new Greenie and what he's done to Corbyn. Corbyn grabbed my shirt and his tail went around his waist and his ears went down. Gally rolled his eyes and left.

Corbyns ears went up and his tail went back to it's normal spot. I rubbed the back of his head. I then felt his warm breath hit my neck and I blushed.

Corbyn looked at me and kissed my chin. "Corbyn. I need to get back to work" I said. I got up and walked to the front of the bed. I was about to walk to the door but Corbyn put his arms around my waist and pulled me back down. "Corbyn. I have to get to work" I said. "No" he said in my ear.

He gripped my shirt and kissed the side of my head. I turned around and cuddled up to him. My head was on his chest and he had his arms around me. The door opened and I heard gasps. I ignored it. I believe Corbyn did too.

"This is so cute" I heard Frypan say. I kept my eyes closed and then I heard Chuck. "It is really cute" I turned my head so I wasnt looking at them.

"I think we woke Newt up" Frypan said. They left the cabin. I looked up at Corbyn and his eyes were closed. 'Damn it hes cute' I thought. He looked at me and smiled a little. "Can we please get back to work" I said. "Yeah" he said.

We went to the garden and started working. *time skip* It was night time and we were celebrating the arrival of the new Greenie.

Greenie and Gally were fighting and we were watching. Gally pushed Greenie onto the ground. I sighed and looked down. I then heard Greenie yell a name. "My names Thomas!" He yelled. "Thomas!" Alby yelled. We walked over and we started cheering for Thomas.

Corbyn was sitting on the log and was staring at me. I looked at him and got confused. He looked down and scratched his arm. I walked over and sat next to him.

He looked away and I put my hand on his cheek. I turned his head and I looked into his eyes. "Alright guys. That's it for the night. Let's get some rest" Alby said. Corbyn and I were still staring at each other when he said that.

Corbyn got up and walked to the hammocks. I followed him and we laid in them. Corbyn soon fell asleep but I was having trouble. I got up and went into the cabin. I laid down and soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now