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*few weeks later*


I have been in this cabin for weeks. I haven't left it one day. I havent eaten or anything. I cry everyday when I wake up. I stop crying when I'm sleeping.

There was a knock on the door. I sniffled. I got up and unlocked the door. I laid down and the door opened. "Corbyn?" I heard Newt. I didnt answer. He shut the door and walked to me. "Corbyn look at me" he said.

I hid my face in my pillow. "Corbyn please" he said. I just laid there with my head in the pillow. I dint answer or anything.

"Fine. If that's how its gonna be. Then I suggest you stay in here until you die" he pushed me and left the cabin. I cried quietly. 'If he wants me to die. Then I'll do it' I thought.

But first. I need to sing him that song. I got up and grabbed my guitar. Daniel walked in. "You ready?" He asked. "Mhm" I said.

(A/n: look up Before you go by Lewis Capaldi)

I walked out with him. Newt was sitting on the log. I sat on the log so everyone could hear me. I took a deep breath. Everyone was staring at me. Some were confused. Some were mad and some were surprised.

"Newt. This ones for you" I said. He got up and looked at me. I started.

"I fell by the wayside like everyone else. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. But I was just kidding myself. Our every moment. I start to replace. Cause now that they're gone, all I hear are the words that I needed to stay.  When you hurt under the surface. Like troubled water running cold. Well, time can heal but this wont"

Everyone was finding this cute. Even the ones who were mad at me. I looked at Newt and he was surprised and tears were in his eyes. I continued.

"So, before you go. Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better? If only I'd have known you were the storm to weather. So, before you go. Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting? It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless. So, before you go"

I looked at Newt and he was crying a little.

"Was never the right time. Whenever you called. Went little by little by little until there nothing at all. Our every moment, I start to replay. But all I can think about is seeing that look on your face"

"When you hurt under the surface. Like troubled water running cold. Well, time can heal but this won't"

"So, before you go. Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better? If only I'd have known you were the storm to weather. So, before you go. Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting? It kills me how your mind can make feel so worthless. So, before you go"

"Would we be better off by now. If I'd let my walls come down. Maybe I guess we'll never know. You know. You know"

"Before you go. Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better? If only I'd have known you were the storm to weather. So, before you go. Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting. It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless. So, before you go"

I finished and everyone cheered. I smiled and saw that Newt was crying on the ground. I got up and went into the cabin. I put the guitar down and sat on my bed.

Then there was a knock on the door. "Come in" I said. The door opened and I saw Newt. He shut the door and locked it. I got up. "Newt listen. I-" he cut me off by kissing me. I kissed back and we pulled away after 10 seconds. Yes 10.

We pulled away slowly and he smiled a little. I wiped his tears away. He hugged me. "I'm so sorry" he said. "Shh. It's my fault. I hurt you. Actually. Between us. I was the one who hurt you. You never hurt me" I said.

"I said mean things. Threw things at you. And told you to kill yourself" I said. "Shh. It's ok. You were mad" I said putting my hands on his cheeks and he looked at me. We kissed.

We pulled away after a few seconds and we laid on the bed. "I missed you" he said cuddling up me. "I missed you too" I said. "I'm so sorry for hurting you" I said. "What do you mean?" He asked. "When we were in the woods and you threw those rocks at me. I tried to stay calm but I couldn't. I didnt want to hurt you" I said. "Hey. It's fine. Let's forget about the tough times" I said.

"Ok" I put my head in his neck. He rubbed my back. "Corbyn!" I heard Thomas. We got up and I locked the door. We hid in a corner where he couldn't see us. Newt bumped into me and leaned against me.


"Newt" he whispered. "Yeah?" I asked. "Can you uh.... move a little" he whispered. "Oh sorry. How about I turn around" I whispered. "Yeah" so basically. We started whispering. I turned around and leaned up against him. The door was really close to us so we had to lean against each other.

And before you ask. No. There is no thing to cover the window. "Newt" "yeah?" I asked looking at him. He didnt look at me. "That's worse" he said. I realized what he was talking about.

I covered my mouth and chuckled. I moved back a little. I looked up at him. We leaned in to kiss when we fell a little. He leaned against the wall and I leaned against him. I covered my mouth.

"Corbyn!" Thomas yelled and hit the door. "I know Newts in there!" He yelled. We sat down and I got on his lap. We both eaned down and his body touched my back. I blushed. "Newt! Please! I want to talk!" He yelled.

He kicked the door and I got scared. Corbyn pushed me lightly so I got off of him. He laid on top of me so he was covering me. I got so scared. "Shh" he said. He growled once he saw my tears on the floor. He got off of me and opened the door. "What do you want?" He asked.

"I need to talk to Newt" he said. "Sorry hes not here" he said. "I know you're lying to me" he said. He growled at him. "Let me in!" He yelled. He growled again. He grabbed Corbyns shirt and threw me out of the cabin. He grabbed his shirt and pinned him to the ground. He whined.

"Thomas! Cut it out!" Daniel yelled. "Thomas!" Frypan yelled. "Thomas!" Newt yelled coming over. He whimpered. Thomas got off of him and Daniel grabbed his hand and dragged him to the woods. I helped him up. "Are you two together?" Jonah asked. "Are we?" Corbyn asked looking at me. "Yes" I said. He smiled a little and I smiled back. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the river.

We sat down and looked at the water. I felt his hand go to my back. I shivered a little when he went up to my neck. He kissed my cheek. "Man I missed you" he said. "I missed you too" I said

I kissed him and he kissed back. We pulled away after a few seconds. "Let's go get some rest" he said. I smiled and we went to the cabin. We laid down after shutting the door. He put his arms around my waist and put his head in my neck which made me blush a lot.

I smiled and rubbed his back. "Night babe" I said. "Night love" he responded. I felt him smile. I blushed and laid my head on the pillow. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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