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*next day*


I woke up to the feeling of something on my hand. I opened my eyes and saw blood. I got up and ran into the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it.

I washed my hands and looked into the mirror. I backed up and hit the wall. 'Holy shit I turned' I thought. I had light brown wolf ears on my head.

I took the bandage off and the wound was gone. Then there was knocks on the door. "Love are you ok?" Corbyn asked.

"I'm fine" "no your not. Theres blood on the bed. What's going on?" He asked. I looked down and saw a light brown tail.

"Babe. Let me in" he said. I unlocked it and he opened the door. I looked down. "It worked" he said. I looked up at him and smiled. We hugged and I looked at him. We kissed.

He kissed my forehead. "We have to tell them" I said. "No" he said. "Their going to find out anyways. Why not tell them now?" I asked. "I-I dont know"

"I guess we can" I smiled and pecked his lips. He smiled and we went into the room. My eyes widened. "Wow. That's a lot of blood" I said. "I'll go get another bed spread" he said. "Ok"

"Shit I have to go to work" I said. "What? Why today? I have to teach you how to control yourself" he said. My eyes widened. "And if you dont?" "You'll kill someone. Today" he said. My eyes widened. "Ok. Well let's get the bed spread and you teach me how to control myself" I said.

"Ok" we went downstairs. "Nope. You're not coming with me" he said. "Babe" "if you do. You'll kill someone and you'll go to an animal shelter. And you'll either be sent into the forest or you'll be killed" he said. My eyes widened. "So stay here" "can you send like Daniel or Jonah over?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll send Jack and Zach" "ok" he smiled a little and pecked my lips. He went into his car and left.

I shut the door and locked it. I went to the couch and sat down. I started watching The Originals. Hes already watched it so he doesnt care if I watch it without him.

*time skip*

I turned the TV off and ran upstairs. I felt something pain in my stomach. I ran into the bathroom and fell. I started yelling in pain.

I got on all fours and looked at my hands. 'Holy shit' I got scared. 'Why are there claws?' I thought. I touched my teeth. Theres wolf teeth. I continued yelling. Then the door opened. I saw Zach and Jack.

"Holy-" Zach said but was cut off by Jack. "Shush. Let's help him" he said. They helped me up and brought me downstairs. They laid me on the floor and held me down.

"Newt. Calm down" Zach said. "Why is this happening?" I asked. "It happened to all of us. It's normal. You just have to calm down" Jack said.

"How?" I asked. "Think of something that makes me happy" Zach answered. I thought of Corbyn. I calmed down and laid my head on the floor.

"Alright. Now what?" I asked. "We are going to lock you in the basement until Corbyn gets back" Jack said.

They brought me to the basement and I sat in the corner. They went upstairs and opened the door. I whimpered.


I heard Newt whimper. "I feel bad" I said. "I know. He doesnt deserve this. Hes a good guy" Zach said. "I wish that we could do something else than this" "I know"

We went to the bench and sat down. Then the door was unlocked. I saw Corbyn. "Wheres Newt?" He asked setting the bed spread down. He shut the door and locked it.

"Um..." Zach said. "What did you guys do?!" He yelled.


I heard a whine from the basement. I ran down and saw him sitting in the corner. I ran over and knelt down in front of him.

"Love?" He looked at me and my eyes widened. "Your eyes. Their.... blue" his eyes widened. "Is that a good thing?" "I don't know" he said.

"Let's get you upstairs" we went upstairs and he looked down. "What's wrong?" Jack asked. Newt looked at them. They were shocked. "We cant hang out today. I have to teach him how to control himself and I have to ask Jonah what it means with his eyes" I said.

"Ok" they got up and left. "I'll do the bed spread when we get back. Let's go train" I said. He smiled a little and we went to the forest.

*time skip*

He was pretty good at controlling himself. We had Thomas come over and I tied him to a tree. Newt didn't hurt him. He got him out of the tree and I was impressed.

Thomas went home and Newt came over. I pecked his lips. "You did amazing. Better than me" "how long do we have to do this for?" "A week. It depends on how you do" I said.

He sighed and we went home. We got in the car and went to Jonahs. We walked to the door. Newt was behind me. I knocked on the door and waited for it to open.

It soon opened and I saw Tate. "Um. Can I see Jonah?" "Yeah" she ran upstairs and we went in. Newt stayed behind me. Jonah came down.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I sighed and moved. "You turned him?" He asked. I shook my head yes. "But we have another problem" Newt looked up and Jonah was shocked.

"Why are his eyes blue?" I asked. "It means something I just cant remember" I sighed.

It took him a couple minutes to speak again. "Oh i remember what it means" he said. "What?" I asked. "It means that he is a special kind of wolf. It means he's stronger than an alpha. And stronger than what you are. A true alpha" my eyes widened.

I looked at Newt and smiled. "What is he?" I asked. "He's called a true pack member. He's a pack member but the strongest one" he said. Newt cuddled up to me.

"Is that a good thing?" Newt asked. "Yes" he said. I sighed in relief and kissed Newts head. "Thanks Jonah" I said. "Yep" he said. We went home and put the bed spread on. We went downstairs and sat on the couch.

*big time skip*

We were laying in bed and Newt was cuddled up to me. His eyes were brown now.

I kissed his head. "Night love" I said. He didnt answer. I lifted his head and he was sleeping. I smiled and pecked his lips. I put his head back in my chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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