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*few months later*


James was fired from his job at Wendy's and Newt hasn't gotten any hallucinations and he hasn't had any dreams about him.

Me and the boys have been on tour for a few months now. Today we are going to tour in our hometown. I was so nervous. I feel like Newts going to go to the concert.

We were going on the bus and I laid in my bunk and looked at the ceiling. I thought about Newt. I got sad.

'I want to see him' I thought. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*time skip*

I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me. I looked and saw Daniel. "Time for the concert" he said. He walked away.

I got out of my bunk and walked out of the bus. We walked onto the stage and did sound check.

Once we were finished, we went to the back. We grabbed our clothes and changed. We walked out and I walked to the side of the stage.

I looked out and saw girls coming in. I walked to the guys and took a deep breath. "I'm nervous guy" I said. "Its going to be fine" Randy said coming over.

"My mates going to be here. I'm nervous" I said. "Its going to be fine Corbyn. He's going to love it" Zach said. I sighed and looked down. "Ok"

We waited for a few minutes. "Ok. Go out" Randy said. He turned the lights off and turned that screen on. Then it turned off. We walked out and on our stand things.

The girls started screaming. I saw Newt standing in the front. The lights on our platform turned on.

The girls were still screaming. We started Trust Fund Baby.

*time skip*

We finished M.I.A. We were starting Choose. I saw Newt and smiled. I was kneeling right in front of him. I put my hood up and we stood up.

We started Choose. Newt smiled when I started singing. I saw Thomas, Frypan, Gally, Minho and Tate.

I ran to them and we did that thing we do during the chorus. Then it was Zachs part. We ran to a spot and we were in front of Newt and all of them.

I reached my hand out and Newt grabbed it. I smiled. We ran back and Jonah started singing.

*time skip*

We were singing Cold In LA and it was Zachs turn to sing. I put my arm around Jack's shoulders.

He touched my cheek. I smiled at him and looked at Newt. He smiled at me. Then we ran around the stage and started singing.

*time skip*

We were singing Unbelievable. It was Jonahs part to sing. I was looking at Newt. I couldnt keep my eyes off of him. He looked at Gally and they started talking.


I was talking to Gally. Girls were screaming and the music was so loud to the point where I couldnt hear Gally.

"So what do you think of it so far?" He asked. "I really like it" I said. "I know I'm so proud of them" Thomas said. Daniel was staring at Thomas.

I looked and Zach was singing. Corbyn looked at me and smiled. Then they turned around and continued singing.

*time skip*

They were going to sing What Am I. But Corbyn started talking.

"As you all know we just finished this single called What Am I. And if you couldnt tell already. This single means alot to us"

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