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*few years later*


It's been about 3 years now. Kyle is finally walking and he is 3 now. He hasn't said his first word yet and we are nervous.

Right now.... we were at the store. We were getting Kyle some more clothes. I didnt see Corbyn or Kyle. "Guys?" I asked.

I ran into an aisle and saw Corbyn with Kyle in his arms and they were at a mirror. I walked over. Corbyn was throwing him up a little and turning him.

(A/n: I dont know if you guys saw this. But Jack did that to Lavender. If you have see that. That's what Corbyns doing)

I smiled and he was singing to him. Kyle was laughing. Corbyn saw me and smiled. He turned Kyle around and Kyle put his head on Corbyns shoulder.

We walked around the store and got more stuff for Kyle and just the things we needed. We paid and went home.

*time skip*

We were sitting on the floor with Kyle. Corbyn had his phone out. He was taking a video on Instagram. "Kyle. Can you say dada?"

"Can you say dada?" I asked. He looked at the camera. "Can you say dad Kyle?" "Dada" I smiled and Corbyn was shocked. "Good job Kyle" I kissed his head.

Corbyn stopped the video and picked Kyle up. I smiled at him. "Good job Kyle" he said and kissed his cheek. I took my phone out and Corbyn lifted him up a little and kissed his nose.

Right when he kissed his nose, I took a picture. I smiled and put my phone away. He put Kyle down and looked at me.

I pecked his lips. I rubbed Kyle's head. "So. When are we going to have another child?" He asked. My eyes widened. "Um...." he looked at me and a smile formed on his lips.

"Um... I- I dont know. Dont you think ones enough?" I asked. "Nope" he said. Kyle looked at us and smiled.

"Would you like a sister or a brother Kyle?" He asked. "Y-yeah" he smiled and kissed his forehead. "Well I guess you're getting pregnant again" he said looking at me and sitting up.

I blushed and looked away. Corbyn moved closer to me and put his arm around me. "We dont have to do it right now. We can wait" he said. "Ok" I said. I cuddled up to him.

*time skip*

We texted everyone and told them that Kyle said his first word. They were so happy for us.

I was upstairs and Kyle was sleeping in his own bed in Corbyn singing room. It's just a little bed that he sleeps in.

I was laying in bed and I was completely ready to fall asleep. Corbyn was in the bathroom, getting ready.

He came out and turned the lights off. He came over and sat down. I turned and laid my head on his lap. He rubbed my head. "I'm not that tired so I will be sitting here until I fall asleep ok" he said. "Ok"

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*time skip*

I woke up to the feeling of Corbyn moving. "Corby?" I asked. "Shh. Love. Go back to sleep" he whispered. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I have to go meet up with the boys. I'll be back soon" I sighed and looked at him. He pecked my lips.

"I'll be back. I promise" he said and got ready. He left the room. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*time skip*

I woke up to the feeling of someone lifting my head and then putting it on their lap. I knew it was Corbyn.

"Night love" he said. I fell asleep again.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now