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*few days later*


I was going to go visit Corbyn today. I'm excited to see him. I'm going after work.

I was getting people their food when my phone went off. I put the food in the bag and walked over to the window. I gave it to the lady.

"Have a nice day" she said. I smiled and waved as she drove away. I walked to the back and pulled my phone out.

1 text message from Corbyn🥰

Hey love
How are you doing today?

How are you?

I want to see you

I know
But I'm coming to visit you tomorrow

No I want to see you now!

I'm at work
I'll be there tomorrow


Sorry doggy

I have to go. I have to eat. Bye love

Bye doggy

"Newt! We have people waiting at the door! Get your ass back here!" Its James. He likes me but teases me. I walked over and got their food in their bags.

I gave it to them. "Sorry about that" I said. "My boyfriends in the hospital and he was texting me" "oh it's fine" she said. I smiled a little. "Bye have a nice day" I said. She waved while leaving.

I was then pulled into the staff's men's room. I was pinned to the wall and the door was locked. It's only 1 bathroom. No stalls so nobody was in here.

I looked up and saw James. I pushed him away. He smirked. "Leave me alone" I said and walked to the door. He pulled me back and put his arms around my stomach. I scratched his arm and he fell to the floor. I was shocked.

'What did I just do' I put my claws away and ran out. I ran to my car and got in. I drove home.

I parked and ran into the house. I locked the door and sat on the couch. I sighed and looked down. I put my head in my hands. There was a knock on the door.

I walked over and opened the door a little. I saw James. I shut the door but he stopped it. "Go away James! I have a boyfriend!" I yelled. He pushed the door open and I fell onto the floor. 'Damn it' I thought.

He shut the door and locked it. I got up and he pinned me to the wall. "Leavr me alone!" I yelled. He smirked and kissed me. I scratched his neck and he backed up. I ran outside and got in the car.

He ran over and I started the car. I locked the doors and smirked. He hit the windows. I flipped him off and drove to the hospital.

*time skip*

I walked in. "I'm here to visit Corbyn Besson" I said. "Come with me" we walked to a room. I walked in and saw him sleeping.

I walked over and saw a brown mark on his neck. 'That must be the mark he was talking about' I thought. "Where is he!?" I heard James. 'Shit' I thought. I sat jn the chair next to Corbyn.

"Sir. Calm down" "I want to see Newt!" He yelled. "I dont know who that is" she said. I grabbed Corbyns hand and looked at the door.

His hand twitched and I looked at him. He groaned and looked at me. He smiled a little. "Hey. How are you feeling?" I asked. "Better now that you're here" he said.

I smiled and pecked his lips. "What time is it?" He asked. "3" "arent you supposed to be at work?" He asked. "Yeah I kind of had to skip it today" "why?" He asked.

"Where is he!?" I heard James. "Him" I said. "Who's that?" "James. He teases me at work and likes me. He always pulls me into the staff's boys bathroom and tries to kiss me or make out with me" "that asshole"

"He came to the house. I told him that I had a boyfriend. He didnt care. He came in and pinned me to the wall and kissed me. I uh... scratched his neck and arm" "I taught you well" he said.

I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Can you stay the night?" He asked. "If they will let me" he smiled and I heard James yell again. My ears went down and my tail went around my waist.

Corbyn moved a little. "Come here" he said. I laid down next to him and he put his arms around me. "Is this going to hurt you?" "No" he said. I blushed realizing he had a gown on and nothing else. I turned around and hid my face in the pillow.

"Where the hell is he!?" He yelled. "In room 234!" She yelled. My eyes widened. That's this room. I turned around and cuddled up to him. "Shh. It's ok. He's not going to touch you"

The door opened and then closed. "Newt. Come on" he said and grabbed my shirt. I gripped Corbyns gown. "Get away!" Corbyn yelled. "You dont have the right to yell at me!" He yelled.

"This is my mate! Now leave us alone!" He yelled. "Yeah right" he said and continued to pull me. I pushed him away and cuddled up to Corbyn more.

"You son of a-" "shut up!" I yelled looking at him. "Newt. Dont" I got up and growled. James backed up to the wall. My eyes were blue.

"Now leave us alone!" I yelled. He ran away. I calmed down and looked at Corbyn. He smiled and sat up. I sat in front of him and he put his hand on my knee. "That was amazing" he said. I grabbed his hand and smiled.

"When I come back. Can you give me tons of cuddles?" "Yes" I said. He smiled and kissed my hand. I smiled and started petting him.

He purred and laid down. I laid on top of him. He smiled and pecked my lips. I laid down next to him and he put his arms around me. "Excuse me. Visiting hours are over now" a nurse came in.

"Can he stay?" Corbyn asked. "No" she said. Corbyn did puppy dog eyes. "Fine" she said and shut the door. I smiled and cuddled up to Corbyn. "Puppy dog eyes always work" I said. He laughed a little and pecked my lips.

He laid his head on the pillow and I put my head in his chest. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

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