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*few weeks later*


I was in the bed waiting for Newt to come upstairs. He walked in and smiled at me. I got up and walked to him. I pecked his lips. "I'll be right back. I have to do something" I said.

"Ok babe" he walked to the bed and I shut the door after walking out of the room. I walked downstairs and started thinking about what I can do for the surprise date. I wrote it down on the piece of paper. I got it.

1. Wait until he leaves
2. Start getting the food together
3. Find a place
4. Set it up
5. Wait until he gets home
6. Put a blindfold in your car
7. When he gets home, tell him to go into the car
8. When he gets in the car, look over the list again
9. Put the blindfold on him
10. Go to the place and surprise him

I smiled and put it in the drawer in my singing room. I walked to the room and walked in. I shut the door and walked to him.

I turned the lights off and laid down next to him. I put my arms around him and he cuddled up to me. I smiled and kissed his head. "Night love" I said. I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

*next day*

I woke up to the feeling of Newt shaking me. "Baby. I have to go to work" he said. I opened my eyes and got up. I hugged him. "I'll see you when I get out of work ok" he said. "How long will you be gone for?" I asked.

This is his first day of work and I am planning on finding a job too. "I will be gone for 5 hours" he said. "Please dont go" I said. "I'll be back soon" he said. I kissed his cheek. "Its going to be boring here without you" I said. "I know I'm sorry but someone has to get a job" he said.

I sighed and let him go. I pecked his lips. He smiled and left. I sat on the bed and sighed. I walked to the dresser and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and got ready.

I walked downstairs and started watching TV.

*5 hours later*

Newt came home. I ran to him and he shut the door. He turned around and I ran into him.

"Looks like you missed me alot" he said. I whimpered. "Awww. Corbyn dont be sad. I'm here" he said. "I missed you" I said in his ear.

He kissed my cheek. "I missed you too. I just wanted to say screw it and come home" he said. I smiled and kissed his temple. "What did you do while I was gone?" He asked.

"TV" "nothing else" "I cuddled with one of your shirts. I smelled like you were there but it didnt feel like it" "aww baby" we kissed.

He took his shoes off and we walked to the couch. We sat down and started watching TV.

*time skip*

It was late at night and we were laying in bed. He played with my hair as I cuddled up to him. "Night baby" he said. "Night love" I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

*4 weeks later*

I was woken up by Newt. "Hey. I have to go to work" he said. I sighed and got up. I hugged him. "Have a good day" I said. "Starting next week. I have 3 weeks off because of construction that they are doing there" my tail started wagging. "I'm guessing that you like the sound of that" "mhm"

He looked at me and pecked my lips. "I'll see you in a little while ok" he said. I smiled a little and he walked out of the room.

I looked out of the window and saw him leaving. He saw me and smiled. He got in the car and drove away. I sighed and thought about what I could do.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now