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*few months later*


I'm now a werewolf. I'm so happy that Daniel turned me. Tate and Jonah are married and Jonahs turning Tate soon.

We were upstairs, laying in bed. "Baby" he said. "Yes love" "I want kids" my eyes widened and I blushed. "W-what?" "I want kids" "w-why?" "I see kids running around the neighborhood and it looks adorable. I want kids" "um...." I was so nervous.

"C-can we adopt" "no" I blushed like crazy and turned around. He rubbed my back. "I-I'm not ready baby" I said. "I know. I didnt say you had to get me pregnant now" I sighed in relief.

"Thank god" I said. He laughed. I turned around and cuddled up to him. "You dont have to get me pregnant until you're ready" "ok" I said.


I was with Newt and he was laying on top of me. There was a knock on the door. "Why!" I yelled. He laughed a got off of me. I ran to the door and opened it.

I saw Jack. I was confused. "Yes?" I asked. He moved and I saw Zach. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Can we come in?" Jack asked. "Of course" I let them in.

"What's wrong?" I asked while closing the door. "Um.. we have something to say and um... we already told everyone else" Jack said sounding nervous. Newt walked over and stood next to me.

"Um.... I got Zach pregnant" my eyes widened. "No way" I said. "So boys can get pregnant?" Newt asked. "Yep" Jack said.

"That means I can get Newt pregnant and we dont have to adopt" I said. I saw Newt and he was blushing like crazy. I laughed. "I'm just joking baby" I said.

"Oh thank god" he said. "I'm so happy for you guys" I said. We hugged.

*time skip*

They left and me and Newt were on the couch. I looked at him and he looked nervous. "What's wrong?" I asked. "N-nothing" "baby. I know you're lying. What's wrong love?" I asked again.

"W-when you said you can get me pregnant. Were you serious?" "No. I was just kidding" I said. "Ok good" he said and cuddled up to me. I put my arms around his waist. I kissed his head and we watched IT chapter 3.

(A/n: how many chapters are there for IT? 3 right?)

He was not enjoying it. He was so close to the point where it felt like he wasnt going to breath. He hid his head in my chest.

"Hey. It's ok love. The clowns fake. He's not getting any closer" I said. Honestly I dont blame him for being scared. That clown. Has gotten even scarier.

I gripped Newts shirt and my shirt started getting wet. 'Is he crying?' I thought. "Are you crying?" He shook his head no. I lifted his head. 'He is' I thought. He put his head back in my chest.

"I did not give you permission to cry honey" I said. "I-Its scary" he said. "I told you. That clown. It's not going to touch you. And plus. It's just makeup. It's fake" I said.

"Its scary!" He yelled. 'Damn it hes really scared' "babe. Just hold onto me tight. I promise you. You're safe with me" I said.

His ears went down and his tail went around his waist. "Awww love" I said. He gripped my shirt and I kissed his head.

"I promise you. It's not that SCARY!" I yelled scary because I saw a jump scare. "What?" He asked. "Dont look" I said. He looked and I covered his eyes. "What is it?" He asked. "A very scary part" I said.

(A/n: I've never seen IT yet so if you've seen it and I get a part wrong. Dont yell at me. I've never seen it!!!!!)

It was a part with the clown and he had a red balloon. He was just staring and then the camera got closer to him. I looked away and then there was a scream.

Newt looked at me and whimpered. "See. I told you it was scary!" He yelled. He cuddled up to me and I put my arms around him again. "Baby. Can we switch it to something else?" He asked. "Yeah sure"

I turned the movie off and got out of it. "What do you want to watch?" I asked. "Um... The Flash?" I turned it on and we started watching it.

*time skip*

We were upstairs, laying down and I had my arms around his waist. "I love you pancake" "awww I love you too hubby" I smiled and kissed his head. "Night hubby" he said. "Night bubba" I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now